Is it possible to cure type 2 diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a name that combines several diseases. Each of them is characterized by an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood. There are different types of diabetes. The reasons that cause them are different. The most common forms of the disease - the first and second. It is over that, whether it is possible to cure diabetes type 1 and type 2, most often you have to think about the patients.

What is type 2 diabetes?

The second type of diabetes is non-insulin dependent. When the disease is observed, the relative inability of the pancreas to control the amount of sugar that enters the blood. A characteristic feature of the disease - the body produces a huge amount of insulin.

To begin to worry about whether it is possible to cure type 2 diabetes, it is first necessary to diagnose it. To do this will help to know the symptoms. Among the main signs of ailment:

In many patients, pustules and wounds can appear on the skin, which do not heal for a long time. Diabetics are also more likely than others to "mow" infections, for which treatment can take several weeks.

Can I cure type 2 diabetes?

Diabetes is not a disease that you can get rid of once and for all. More precisely, one can be cured of an ailment, but only of some of its types. So, for example, the first form of the disease disrupts the immune system. And drugs or a complex of drugs that could eliminate all the symptoms, has not yet been invented.

Can I cure diabetes of the second type? Experts give ambiguous answers to this question. But as practice shows, to cope with this diagnosis is still real. The main thing is to diagnose the disease in time and get ready to fight it, no matter how much time it takes.

How to cure diabetes of the second type?

The main cause of this ailment - the liver, muscles, fatty tissues - the main consumers of glucose - become insulin resistant. That is, they cease to be sensitive to the action of insulin. The latter as a result of this reaction loses the ability to transfer glucose from the blood into the cells. Against this background, the pancreas begins to produce more insulin, which gradually accumulates and has a negative effect on the body.

Studies show that diabetes mellitus type 2 can be cured, but all the strengths need to be thrown to eliminate the cause of the disease:

To cope with the disease, experts recommend completely change the way of life. A very important diet:

  1. From the diet you need to exclude sweets, flour, mayonnaise, all fried and spicy.
  2. The food should be divided into five or six times a day.
  3. Bread is preferably only coarse.
  4. Dairy products are only allowed to be lean.
  5. It is useful to count calories and choose the easiest food.

Diabetics with a second type of illness are encouraged to exercise. Or at least regularly carry out walking tours. This complex will help "put to sleep" the disease, will bring the sugar level back to normal and prevent negative consequences. The only "but" - to avoid a relapse, these recommendations will need to be implemented throughout life.