Helminths in adults - symptoms and treatment

Contrary to popular belief, helminths in adults are not less common than in children. With the help of specialists, we will find out what symptoms indicate the presence of helminths in the body in adults and what methods of treatment are considered to be most effective.

Glistular invasion occurs when the eggs and larvae of the helminths enter the human body:

Symptoms of helminths in adults

The signs of helminth infection in adults depend on the type of parasites and the location of their localization. Most often, the worm colonies are in the intestine, but often parasites move in the body, penetrating into internal organs and tissues. The main symptoms of helminth infection in adults are:

In addition, there are specific manifestations, characteristic of a particular species of helminthiosis. So, when you are infected with pinworms, a characteristic sign is an itch in the anus, and in women - in the genitals; with trichinellosis the patient swells around the face, fever is noted; Trichocystrophy causes dysbacteriosis, etc.

Treatment of helminths in adults

Currently, the list of anthelminthic drugs is quite large. Some types of drugs have a wide range of action, while others are aimed at curing a certain type of helminthiosis. It should be borne in mind that almost all funds do not affect eggs and worm larvae, therefore it is recommended to repeat the course of treatment in the instructions, 2 to 3 weeks after the first one. Antihelminthic drugs are considered effective:

Among the means of traditional medicine to cope with the problem help: