Prednisone - side effects

Prednisolone is an artificially synthesized hormone, which in the human body is produced by the adrenal glands. Despite the average strength of this drug and its good anti-inflammatory effect, its use can cause a lot of various undesirable consequences.

Influence of the drug on bone and muscle

With long-term treatment, one of the side effects of Prednisolone is a disruption of the structure of bone tissue, in other words, thinning of the bones occurs. This leads to an increase in their fragility, the development of osteoporosis, an increased risk of fractures. Therefore, during the administration of the drug, it will be advisable to monitor the bone structure by means of a radiological study with a low level of irradiation.

Another side effect of Prednisolone, when treated in large doses, may be the development of muscle atrophy (steroid myopathy). When symptoms of atrophy appear, Prednisolone is replaced by another drug, a similar action.

Side effects from internal organs

The side effects of Prednisolone Tablets are also on the work of internal organs:

  1. From the side of the cardiovascular system, a persistent increase in blood pressure is possible.
  2. In the gastrointestinal tract acidity increases and the ability to digest dairy products sharply decreases, there is a risk of erosion.
  3. Possible the formation of blood clots, which is explained by the increase in the density of blood.
  4. With prolonged admission, the adrenal gland function is disrupted and organ atrophy may develop.
  5. Metabolic disorders and the appearance of edema.

Prednisolone in tablets can cause side effects from the nervous system. They can be expressed in:

Other disorders caused by the use of prednisolone

Prednisolone is available in the form of drops and can be used to treat eye diseases. At the same time, during the application, there are side effects such as dryness in the eyes. Long-term use of drops can lead to:

The use of prednisolone in pregnancy is undesirable, but sometimes it is allowed under the full control of a gynecologist. In some cases, the drug can cause a violation of adrenal function in the fetus, other changes in its development. But, as practice shows, the positive effect of the drug in pregnancy overcomes possible negative reactions.

From the skin are possible such reactions as the appearance: