Nervousness and irritability are the causes

In the modern world it is practically impossible to live without fuss and constant movement, coupled with the desire of man not only to survive, but also to get ahead of others. The consequence of this lifestyle is often nervousness and irritability . The reasons for their appearance in our lives are more than enough. Next, we consider the causes of excessive irritability, the causes of causeless (as it seems to us) irritability and much more.

Causes of increased irritability

The causes of nervousness and irritability are often quite banal, often - lying on the surface. It's just that people very rarely think about what they have in general. However, the best way to solve the problem is to eradicate it.

The causes of irritability and tearfulness can have both a psychological and a physiological nature. In the first case, in the role of such a reason can act, for example:

With regard to physiological causes of irritability, they can be as follows:

  1. Chronic diseases (mainly - the digestive system, as well as - the endocrine system).
  2. Changes in the body in the process of hormonal adjustment occurring during pregnancy , puberty or premenstrual period.

By the way, from the above, it can be concluded that nervousness and irritability, which is due to physiological reasons, concerns, first of all, the representatives of the weaker sex. But nervousness on psychological grounds affects mostly men.