Chicken in Adjika in the oven

Baked chicken with ajika - an original and very tasty dish, which is perfect for a festive table. Chicken meat turns out deliciously soft, juicy and gets a measure of a sharp spicy taste.

Chicken with Adzhika and sour cream


For filling:


So, first of all we take a chicken carcass, thoroughly washing it and dry it with a towel. Then we clean a few cloves of garlic, let them through a special press and grind with salt. After that, rub our chicken from the outside with this mixture and leave to marinate for about 15 minutes.

Without wasting time, we turn to the preparation of the filling. Green parsley is washed, dried and finely chopped. Cream butter put in a bowl, put on a weak fire and wait for it to melt. The remaining garlic is cleaned, passed through a garlic press and thrown into the oil. There we send chopped parsley and all the good mix. With the resulting mixture, fill the chicken from the inside and puncture the hole with toothpicks. The legs are crossed and tied with a string.

Sour cream is combined with adzhika and carefully smeared with sauce the whole chicken. Next, put the bird on the baking sheet and send it to the preheated oven for about 1 hour. Bake the dish at a temperature of 180 degrees, checking periodically the preparedness of the carcass with a toothpick. Then we take out the chicken in the adjika from the oven and serve it to the table.

Chicken with Adzhika and Mayonnaise



Carcase the chicken washed, dried and divided into small pieces. Separately, prepare the sauce. To do this, mix mayonnaise with ajika, add ketchup, pour in soy sauce and throw the seasoning for the chicken. All carefully mix and smear the prepared sauce every bit.

After that, fry the meat on vegetable oil until golden brown and put them on a baking tray. Bake the dish in the oven until cooked at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Hot fried chicken spread on a plate and served on the table.