Hot sandwiches in the frying pan

Did you know that delicious hot sandwiches can easily be prepared without the help of a microwave oven. Hot sandwiches in a frying pan are several times more delicious and more useful. And their amazingly delicate taste and terrific appetizing aroma will please everyone without exception!

Hot sandwiches are served as an independent dish, and as a snack for broths, soups, mashed potatoes. Eat them both hot and cold.

Hot sandwich with sausage



A hot sandwich in a frying pan is prepared as follows. Cut the loaf in thin slices. Whisk egg with milk, a little salt. Frying pan and put a piece of butter. Each slice of bread is dipped in a mixture of milk and egg and put into a frying pan in such a way that they do not come in contact with each other. The remaining mixture is poured into a frying pan and covered with a lid. When the bread is slightly fried, turn it over to the other side and put the pieces of omelet left on the pan from the top.

Do not waste time in vain, cut all the other ingredients: sausage - small circles, half of cheese - plates, the second half - rubbed on a small grater, cut the tomato in circles, and cut the greens finely.

We spread on each slice of our bread a mug of sausage, then put tomatoes on top and cover with a plate of cheese. When it melts, sprinkle the sandwiches on top with grated cheese.

Hot sandwiches with tomatoes will be completely ready, as soon as softened grated cheese.

Do not be afraid to fantasize with the ingredients: for example, in eggs with milk you can add any seasonings or replace the sausage with salami or ham.

Hot sandwich with cheese



The recipe for making hot sandwiches is quite simple! Bread cut into small slices and grease each with mayonnaise. Then, abundantly sprinkle them with grated cheese grated on a fine grater and put them on a dry hot frying pan. Cover and wait. As soon as the cheese is completely melted, carefully take it out and serve it on the table, decorating with fresh herbs. Enjoy your meal!