Cissus - home care

Cissus (another name - indoor grapes) - one of the species of succulents , is the most popular and favorite horticultural grower from the family of grape that can be grown at home. Having placed it on your windowsill, you will decorate your house with such a beautiful and unpretentious care of a lianate plant.

At home, rhombic or Antarctic cissus is most often grown. However, at home, it blooms quite rarely. Its appearance impresses with its refinement and without flowers.

Cissus clings to her antennae for any support. For its cultivation, it is best to use a hanging flowerpot or a long vase. To make it successful at home, you need to know how to care for the cissus.

Cissus: home care

Cissuses like quiet lighting, and do not put them in direct sunlight, otherwise it will lead to blanching of the leaves. The best for them will be scattered light, and they can be more easily attributed to shade-loving houseplants . In the summer, you can place the plant on a balcony or an open veranda. The ambient temperature should be maintained at 23-25 ​​degrees in the summer and 16-18 degrees in winter.

Avoid sudden temperature changes and protect the plant from a draft, otherwise its leaves may appear dark spots.

In summer, the cissus is watered abundantly and additionally sprinkled with water. In autumn, cut irrigation and completely clean spraying. However, in winter it is important to shower at least once a month to keep the leaves dry.

House plants cissus: transplantation and reproduction

Cissus transplanted in the spring or summer once every two to three years. Every year you need to pour fresh soil into a tub with a plant. In spring, pruning plants to make it more branchy.

The pot for transplantation must be substantially larger than the previous one.

For cultivation and reproduction of cissus, use a soil mix consisting of turf, deciduous, peat soil, sand.

It reproduces by cuttings. Before you multiply the cissus you need to prepare a container for its cultivation: a pot of earth or a vase of water. If you decide to put the plant in the ground, then put on the plastic bag. If the root is rooted in water, then its temperature should be at the level of 14-18 degrees.

Then cut off the apex cuttings from the point of growth. At the same time, 3-4 buds should be on the shoot.

Usually after two or three weeks, rooting takes place. After this cuttings are planted in 10-centimeter pots and abundantly watered to maintain the optimum moisture level. Further care for the young shoot is carried out as well as for the adult plant.

During the growth of the cissus, it should be fed once every 7-10 days in the warm season and once a month in winter. In this case, you need to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.

Cissus: diseases and pests

If, when growing cissus, you notice that the leaves dry and dry, it may be a result of drafts or sudden temperature changes. If the air in the room is too dry, the tips of the cassus may also dry up over time.

If the plant does not have enough fertilizers, the growth of the cassus may slow down.

If there is insufficient or excessive level of humidity, shoots may melt and dry up.

If the leaves are sprayed excessively, they may twist, mold and dark spots appear on them.