Parthenocarpic hybrid - what is it?

If you ever visited the fairs where seeds and plants are sold, you probably noticed the active growth of all sorts of hybrids. And often the inscriptions on the packaging are difficult to understand to the end, many even confuse them with each other. For example, "parthenocarpic type of pollination" can write on any package, which will be incorrect at the root, but sound solid and add value.

What is a parthenocarpic hybrid?

Almost certainly you will find on the packaging both inscriptions "self-pollinated" and "parthenocarpic", which will also be incorrect. If a plant has both a pestle and a stamen, it will pollinate itself without the help of insects. It is clear that in the section you will see the seeds. If you cut the fruit of the parthenocarpic hybrid, be sure: the first thing that distinguishes it from ordinary ones is the complete absence of seeds. The fact is that the parthenocarpic hybrid of the female type of flowering produces fruits completely without pollination, and as a result, there will be no seeds inside the fruit.

As a rule, we have to talk about a hybrid of cucumber seeds, which means the fruits are completely made from pulp without voids and seeds. They are designed for growing in greenhouses and greenhouses, rarely found universal varieties suitable for open ground.

Sometimes you can see the picture when the cucumber hybrid has a hook-shaped shape, which means a small accumulation of seeds in the upper part. This is sometimes found in varieties that do not require pollination. This is why it is preferable to take varieties that require natural pollination for open ground.

Parthenocarpic hybrid of female flowering type

There are a couple of things that are also important to clarify. This is due to the flowering itself. There is an inscription "a female type of flowering". For an ordinary summer resident it is information that the plant will be predominantly female flowers with stamens, and only a small part of the male flowers. They are also called empty colors.

Almost all varieties of parthenocarpic hybrid are plants with female type of flowering, which speaks about the advantage of flowers with stamens. There are also inscriptions "beam" or "bouquet". This suggests that a plant in the leaf axillary will form several ovaries. In most cases, these are varieties with the highest yield and demanding in care. The fruits themselves are rarely of standard shape and length, they are more likely to be short. These are known pickles and gherkins. They are consumed both in fresh form and in the form of a sunset.