How to get rid of ants in a greenhouse - the most effective ways

It is important to create ideal conditions for growing plants in a greenhouse. Insects can cause spoilage of seedlings, which will significantly reduce the yield. You need to know how to get rid of ants in the greenhouse, as they quickly spread, destroying everything in their path.

Harm from the ants in the greenhouse

In the hotbeds, black ants are more likely to spawn, which destroy plant seeds and seedlings. If you do not fight pests, you can lose up to 45-65% of the crop. To understand whether the ants are harmful in the greenhouse, it is worthwhile to find out what will happen if nothing is done:

  1. Because of the construction of anthills, the root system of plants suffers.
  2. If you do not get rid of the ants, soon the aphid will also appear in the greenhouse.
  3. Insects are carriers of various diseases.

How to remove ants from the greenhouse by popular means?

There are a lot of ways that help to fight insects. They have been used for more than a dozen years, so their effectiveness can not be doubted. If you are interested in how to permanently get rid of ants in a greenhouse, then pay attention to such means:

  1. Garlic. To cope with the problem, you can grind denticles on a grater, mix them with wood chips and sprinkle an anthill. Another option for using a burning root is cooking the infusion: pass the head of garlic through the press and send it to a bucket of water. Insist a day and water the places where there is a congestion of uninvited guests.
  2. Jam. Take an ordinary plastic bottle, cut off the bottom and lubricate the inside with jam or syrup. Place the container near the anthill and leave it for a couple of days. The ants crawling into the bottle will stick, and it will simply pour them with boiling water.
  3. Kerosene. To get rid of insects in the greenhouse, you can spray a solution based on kerosene. In a bucket of water, add 2 teaspoons of kerosene. The resulting solution can be sprayed and watered an ant pile and a path.
  4. Herbs. It is proved that pests are afraid of the aroma of carnation, mint and wormwood, so it is possible to decompose these plants in the places of their accumulation.
  5. Potatoes. Ants can not digest starch; therefore, to control parasites, you can use potato peeling or the roots themselves, which must be crushed, and then expanded into ants.
  6. Boiling water. The easiest way to get rid of the problem in the greenhouse is to use hot water. It's simple: pour a liter of boiling water into the anthill.

Ammonia alcohol from ants in the greenhouse

To get rid of pests and not to harm plants and people, you can take an aqueous solution of ammonia. Do not use concentrated ammonia from the ants in the greenhouse, as it can cause a burn of the skin and mucous membranes. Wear gloves, goggles and a mask before starting work. It is important not to close the door in the greenhouse. Ammoniacal alcohol against ants in the greenhouse can be used in several ways:

  1. Dilute ammonia in water, taking into account that 5 liters of liquid should be 2 tbsp. spoons. With a solution, pour ant heaps and places where there are many tunnels.
  2. You can take a fabric that absorbs the liquid well, moisten it in the solution indicated above, and cover the formic heap.
  3. Another way to get rid of ants in a greenhouse is spraying plants. To prepare the solution, add 10 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of water. Such a composition is performed by watering under the root. For spraying, add 3-4 more st. tablespoons of sugar. Stir until completely dissolved and treat the plants.

Millet against ants in a greenhouse

One of the most ancient ways to fight uninvited guests involves the use of a favorite cereals - pyshenki. This method has many advantages: the product is affordable and safe, besides it has an organic origin, so plants do not hurt. If you are interested in how to deal with ants in a greenhouse with the help of a pysanka, then everything is very simple - it should be poured on an anthill. Insects will eat grains, and die, as their stomachs can not digest the rump.

Boric acid from ants in the greenhouse

Among folk methods of struggle, boric acid stands out for its effectiveness. It is important to consider that children and pets should not contact her. There are several ways how to get rid of ants in a greenhouse with boric acid:

  1. Along the ant tracks and on the anthill itself it is necessary to pour boric acid .
  2. To attract parasites, it is recommended to use other additional ingredients. Mix 50 ml of water, 50 g of granulated sugar and 5 g of boric acid. Pour the prepared solution into saucers or other similar containers and place them in places where ants in the greenhouse are often visible.
  3. You can cook and poisonous meatballs, for which in 100 grams of ground meat, add 1 teaspoon of boric acid. Form small balls and distribute them on the greenhouse. This procedure is recommended 2-4 times a season.

Soda against ants in the greenhouse

Among popular methods of fighting insects in the garden and in the greenhouse, soda-based products are popular. Do not be afraid that it will somehow harm the earth, because the amount used is scanty. There are several recipes and the most effective options include:

  1. Take a jar with a volume of two liters, fill it with 2 tbsp. spoon of soda and pour boiling water. Shake the contents well and pour everything into an anthill. Top off with earth or cover with some dense material to block the access of oxygen.
  2. Soda from the ants in the greenhouse can be mixed with sugar powder and this mixture should be sprinkled with an anthill. Sweetness will lure insects, and soda will kill them.
  3. To get rid of pests it is possible, using a combination of soda and vinegar. First you need to make a stick with a stick in the ant house, a small crater and pour soda into it. Top with vinegar. After the end of the reaction, pour a heap on the top of the earth to achieve the desired result.

Vinegar from the ants in the greenhouse

In its pure form, vinegar is dangerous for all living things, so it can be used to control pests. For the preparation of an effective mixture it is necessary to mix in equal proportions vinegar 9% and vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly and pour the mixture into the ant nest. Ogorodniki, who experienced this method, claim that the folk remedies from ants in a vinegar-based greenhouse help cope with pests in 2-3 days.

Drugs from ants in the greenhouse

The stores have a wide range of tools designed to fight insects and they can be divided into such groups:

  1. Prolonged gels. Many, choosing what to process a greenhouse from ants, stop on this option, whose action is aimed at getting the main substance into the body. Use gels better in the spring before planting. Each drug has its own application instruction.
  2. Powders. Remedy for ants in the greenhouse is poured into the congestion zone of the parasites, first making the depressions about 4 cm. From above, the bait should be sprinkled with earth.
  3. Crayons. Another common method is how to get rid of annoying ants in a greenhouse - the application of crayons that emit a poisonous smell. After two weeks, the pests must disappear. They need to draw lines on the planks and decompose them in places of large concentrations of insects.