Campanula - planting and care

This plant belongs to the grassy and almost all summer preserves the luscious greens and the brightness of the colors. On our sites it can be found quite often. Care for the campaigning in the garden can be attributed to a simple process, since the plant is unpretentious to the soil, and they do not require a special attitude towards themselves.

Care for flowers of Campanula

So, you decided to land bells on your site. Then start with the preparation and choice of the landing site. Well-drained, neutral or slightly acidic soils are best. But in principle, the land itself does not play the most important role, more attention should be paid to drainage. The fact is that the plant does not tolerate stagnation of moisture, therefore it is desirable to prepare special discharge channels. So the parts of your garden, where the water accumulates after the rain, just do not fit.

Before landing, be sure to dig in the ground and pay very careful attention to the removal of weeds. To introduce a lot of fertilizers into nutrient soils there is no smear, more loose ones can be slightly improved with wood ash, peat and humus.

The main points in growing and caring for the campaign are listed in the following list:

  1. Immediately at the beginning of spring awakening, it is worthwhile to add a little nitrogen fertilizer in the form of manure or ash. Mineral fertilizing is made during the budding period.
  2. Be sure to make sure that the soil does not condense, and loosen it. It is equally important to monitor the condition of the land after watering - do not allow water to stagnate.
  3. In the process of planting campaigning and care, you can collect planting material for the next season. To do this, the boxes after the acquisition of a brownish hue are cut off. Do not wait for the pores to open, as the seeds will simply fall out. In September, all plants are cut to the root.
  4. During the care of the campaigning garden you will have to engage in planting, for this purpose it is better to choose early spring or autumn. These periods are suitable for species with a well-developed root system: the bell is twisted, broad-leaved. For others, a transplant is preferred in May.
  5. As for the wintering, the shelters require exclusively southern species.

When caring for a plant Campanula, you will inevitably encounter diseases and pests. Although this happens rarely, it is necessary to prepare in advance. In particular, twice a season you should treat the soil and the plants themselves with Fundazol. When planting and caring for Campanula, your assistants will be superphosphate , infusions of garlic and solutions of capsicum - all this is an excellent panacea for slugs, pennies.

Campanula - Care and Reproduction

Reproduction is carried out in several ways: by dividing the bush, by root offspring or segments of rhizomes, as well as by green cuttings and by the seed method. This stage of planting and caring for the garden is directly dependent on the life form of the plant and its specific features.

Annuals reproduce exclusively by the seed method. Before planting, the seeds are mixed with sand or chalk. In spring or autumn they are planted directly in the ground, and in the winter-spring period begin seedling out of seedlings. Under winter, the seeds are sown only in boxes and drop them in the garden until the heat comes, while they cover with a film.

The vegetative method is suitable in case you want to get new shrubs with full preservation of all species features. As a rule, this method is applicable to double or semi-double species that do not bear fruit. The mother plant is excavated and then the entire aerial part is cut off. Then, using a knife or shovel is divided into parts. Planted in prepared wells in such a way that all buds of renewal were at ground level.