Diet after cesarean section

The question of what can be eaten after cesarean, excites almost all newly mums. A huge number of emerging issues is not surprising, because Caesarean section - this is both childbirth and surgery. Therefore, the diet after cesarean section should be calculated as a rehabilitation after the operation, and at the beginning of breastfeeding.

Day after operation

Doctors recommend to refrain from eating on the first day after the operation. As well as a diet immediately before cesarean, food immediately after surgery involves only water. Do not be scared - it's just the first day. Your body will likely leave after anesthesia with caesarean section , so you hardly feel like eating. It is recommended to drink mineral water without gas, if desired, add lemon to the liquid.

Subsequent power supply

On the second and third day diet after cesarean should not be too high in calories. It is recommended to eat low-fat chicken broth, low-fat cottage cheese and natural yogurt. Avoid foods that can cause bloating. Gases in the intestines will put pressure on the still weak joint, and this in turn will lead to the appearance of pain.

The subsequent diet at a cesarean section does not differ from a delivery after sorts in a natural way. You will also have to exclude all products of the risk group that can cause allergic reactions in the baby, but in general the food should be full. The main focus is on foods rich in calcium and other vitamins, namely - meat, cheese, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits. Regardless of the way in which the delivery took place, now your main task is to provide the baby with useful substances, so your food should contain enough calories and be as balanced as possible.