How to wear a stole with a jacket?

Princess Palantine in the 17th century was the first to wear a cape of sable pelts to protect herself from piercing winds. Hence the name "stole". These days this accessory also performs a protective function, but also serves as a smart addition to the apart. Thanks to various materials, colors and decor, it will give any image of elegance and elegance.

The feminine palant harmoniously looks with winter outerwear. The main thing is to be able to present this accessory nicely. So let's look at how stylish it is to wear a tippet with a jacket.

Harmonious combination of a tippet with a jacket

Remember the main rule: the stole does not accept stooped back! Therefore, if you do not follow your posture, even the most chic stole will not decorate you.

So, this charming accessory always attracts attention. You in fact choose a tippet under a jacket, therefore it is necessary to harmoniously sustain all in uniform style, and also to pick up a beautiful color combination. For example, if you wear a jacket in a sporty style, then pick a plain plain stole. For a more elegant version, the printed tippet is suitable, which can be decorated with rhinestones, sequins, or embroidery from beads.

There are many ways to wear a stole with jackets. But many do not know how to tie a tie on a jacket so that it's a stylish and beautiful image. We have prepared several ways for you, so study and experiment.

How to tie a tippet on a jacket?

Stylishly and unobtrusively it will look, if you put one end of a stole on your shoulder. You can fix it with a brooch or a decorated pin. It is on the one hand simple, but at the same time very elegant way.

Torsion of the stole, bizarre wrap around his neck, and then tie a small knot.

Another spectacular way - a wide and long stole wrap around the neck and beautifully drape on the chest, loose ends leave on the back.

If your stole is decorated with original applique or embroidery, then it is a sin to hide such beauty. Wrap it once around the neck, and leave the ends dropping in front, or you can fasten them with a belt at the waist.

For the fitted models of jackets, thick woolen or fur stoles are suitable. But also the layering can be created with the help of two stitches. They can be different in color or pattern. So show your imagination, and come up with your smart way of wearing this beautiful accessory.