Cowberry sauce

Cowberry - a berry is very strange. Because of the bitter-sour taste in fresh form, it is almost impossible to use it, so the cooks began to use the fruit for making jams, jelly from cowberries and sauces. On the latter, I would like to talk in this article.

Cowberry sauces can be harvested for winter or used in freshly brewed form, watering them with anything from desserts to hot meat and poultry dishes.

The recipe of the Swedish sauce from cowberries

The Swedes became the first to cook sauces from cowberries, and from that their recipes of berry gravy became already traditional.



We also go through our berries of cranberries, we put them in a saucepan. Follow the cowberry and pour water and bring it to a boil. We fall asleep sugar. Cook the sauce until the sugar dissolves, and after the stew for 10 more minutes. Remove the cowberry sauce from the fire and cool it by placing the sauté pan with sauce in cold water. If desired, the sauce can be wiped through a sieve, and you can serve just like that, watering them with anything.

Spicy lingonberry sauce with mustard



We put mustard seeds and pear juice in a saucepan, bring it to a boil on low heat. In a separate bowl, fry shallots, mix it with cranberries and fill in port. Add sugar, mustard seeds, chili, half a teaspoon of salt and spices. Stir and stew for 4 minutes.

Ready to cool hot sauce and pour on sauceboats. Such cowberry sauce is perfect for a duck or meat.

Cowberry sauce with apples

The simplest sauce from cowberries can be prepared with the addition of apples. Fruits will give the berries their sweetness, and the sauce will have a softer and more balanced taste.



Before preparing the sauce from cranberries, the berries must be touched and rinsed. We put the berries in a saucepan and pour water, bring the water to a boil and cook the berries for 5-7 minutes. Now the water should be drained, and the soft cranberries should be wiped through a sieve.

Apples rub on a large grater and mix with cranberry puree, add sugar and a little salt. Cook the sauce until soft apples, add cognac, if necessary, beat using a blender.