The child does not sleep well at night, often wakes up - how to adjust the sleep of the baby and parents?

Young parents often face the fact that a child does not sleep well at night, often wakes up and even cries. Normalize the baby's dream can be after finding and eliminating the reasons that bother him. They depend on the age, mode of the day, nutrition or are caused by a variety of diseases.

How much should a child sleep at night?

Many mothers are interested in the question of how much a child should sleep in 3 years. At this age, the baby's dream lasts no less than 11-13 hours, but everything depends on individual data and temperament. The younger the children, the more they can relax and, conversely, this time decreases with age. The following rules exist:

When does the child begin to sleep all night?

If a child wakes up at night and does not sleep, then most likely something is bothering him. From 9-12 months the sleep of children can already safely continue until the morning, this is an average figure that depends not only on the emotional and physical state of the baby, but also on external factors, for example, air temperature, humidity, foreign smell and so on Further.

Why does a child not sleep well at night?

Asking why the child does not sleep at night, we can say about various reasons that very often depend on the age of the baby or are related to:

Newborn baby does not sleep at night

If your newborn baby does not sleep well at night, then he needs to help rebuild to another regime. For this, parents must:

Reaching the age of two months, the baby is able to wake up groundlessly more often than before. He develops negative or positive associations with the process of falling asleep (motion sickness, swaddling, feeding, changing a diaper and so on), a certain regime is developed. During this period the child can wake up accidentally, want to eat or experience some kind of discomfort.

The baby does not sleep well at night

The baby's nervous system and his future temperament are laid down during pregnancy. If a child does not sleep at night for several hours, then parents need to observe the state of the baby, and then consult a specialist. The reasons for the wakefulness can be different:

If a child does not sleep well at night, often wakes up, groans, sobs, turns or shudders, then most likely it is caused by a fast phase of sleep and does not belong to pathology. You need to contact a neurologist when the baby has repeated rhythmic twitching of the limbs, which resemble a shivering during chills. These are obvious convulsions , leading to a variety of psychological illnesses.

A child a year does not sleep well at night

At this age the child does not sleep well at night and cries if:

In order to avoid frequent waking up and establish a sleep, parents should:

A child after a year does not sleep well at night

One of the main reasons that a child restlessly sleeps at night is:

At this age, moms often decide to wean children from breastfeeding, stop feeding them or put them in a separate crib. This, unfortunately, does not always like the child, he begins to sleep badly, often waking up and crying. Parents should have patience, wait out a critical moment and help their kid in this as much as possible.

The child does not sleep at night, what should I do?

If the baby is not bothered by a stuffy nose, coughing and nothing hurts, then you can help him in the normalization of sleep in various ways. The most effective of them are:

If a child does not sleep well at night, then, as an option, his teeth are disturbed. Even when their parents do not yet see, they should know that at that time incisors form inside the gums and can cause unpleasant sensations. In this case, the children need help:

How to establish a night sleep of an infant?

If your child does not sleep well during the day and at night, then first you need to exclude any neurologic abnormalities. Then follow certain rules:

  1. To walk with the baby 2 times a day for several hours.
  2. Bathing water should be cool, so that the baby moves actively in it and gets tired faster.
  3. All active games are conducted in the morning.
  4. In the bathing water, you can add tincture of pine extract or motherwort.
  5. Before going to bed, you can do a relaxing light massage in the form of stroking.
  6. Do not turn on the cartoons before going to bed.
  7. Pay attention to the quality of bed linen, mattress and pillow.
  8. Do not bother the kid.
  9. Observe the mode.
  10. Do not be nervous, because children feel the anxiety of their close people very much.

How to teach a child to sleep all night?

If your child is very poorly awake at night and you want to change it, then depending on the age of the baby, it is necessary to resort to various tricks:

  1. Gradually increase the time between night feedings, first add to the interval for half an hour, until you remove them completely. Instead of a breast or a bottle, offer the baby some water, iron it or talk softly.
  2. The karapuza must be fed well before going to bed, but at the same time it is strictly forbidden to overfeed. In the latter case, you can cause colic, bloating or diarrhea.
  3. Correctly prepare the child for a dream, let at it the habit to falling asleep develops.

EEG monitoring of night sleep in children

The electroencephalogram is considered the most accurate and accessible way, determining the bioelectric activity of the brain in children. A neuroscientist, a neurologist or a psychiatrist can prescribe such a procedure. This is a safe process that does not hurt the baby. To make EEG of a night sleep to the child not always simply and to it it will be necessary to be prepared.

First you need to pay attention to the apparatus of the electroencephalograph, its characteristics and accuracy, and then to the experience and classification of the doctor who will be engaged in decoding. This procedure is prescribed in such cases as:

For babies up to a year the electroencephalogram is always held in a dormant state, and the older children can stay awake. True, in the latter case they do not always behave quietly and calmly. Therefore, the best time for research is night, at which time the sensor performance is more accurate. They fix changes in the cortex for a long time and give a complete picture, after studying which you can solve problems with sleep.