Why do newborn babies cry?

As soon as a newborn has settled in the house, parents immediately have a lot of questions related to his health. Often parents wonder why a newborn child often hiccups, and what to do in this situation - rush to the doctor or try to cope on their own.

Why does a newborn baby hiccup after a meal?

Often hiccups occur after the baby has eaten. It is noticed that on breastfeeding newborn babies for some reason hiccup less often than their peers on artificial and mixed feeding.

Most likely, the fact is that the mixture comes from the bottle much faster than from the breast, and at the same time the kid has time to swallow a lot of air. It is he who, together with food, presses on the diaphragm, causing its stretching, as a result of which the hiccup begins.

The same thing happens with intestinal colic, only here intestinal gases on the other side of the diaphragm are pushed so that it stretches, and the baby begins to hiccup.

Newborn hiccups in unfamiliar surroundings

Babies born in hypoxia or with brain damage often suffer from hiccoughs. She does not bother the baby and does not affect his health. In this case, you need to fight the root cause and attacks of hiccoughs will eventually pass.

Also there is a group of especially excitable children who, when changing the situation, in another place, from loud sounds or bright light, can begin to hiccup. If possible, these babies should be protected from such, guarding their nervous system.

Why do newborn children hiccup, and what to do about it?

Hiccups do not bring discomfort to the baby, but because it does not make sense to struggle with this. It is just necessary to follow the rules of feeding, so that the child does not swallow the air and thereby prevent hiccups.

Many babies begin to hiccup from the cold, but not from the surrounding air, as, for example, on a winter walk, but from hypothermia. In such cases, you need to transfer the baby to a warm room and warm it, and carefully choose clothes that will not lead to overheating and overcooling.