Runny nose is one of the most common allergic manifestations, provoked by hypersensitivity to one or another kind of stimuli. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the composition of multicomponent treatment, nasal drops are prescribed from allergies for children, differing in their therapeutic effect.
How to treat allergic rhinitis in children?
Allergic rhinitis is a disease requiring serious attitude and compulsory treatment. If there is no therapy of seasonal or year-round rhinitis, the risk of developing various complications increases: adenoiditis, sinusitis, polyps in the nasal cavity, otitis, larynx inflammation, bronchial asthma, etc. How to treat allergic rhinitis in a child, determines the allergist or pediatrician, based on the clinical picture, age child, type of allergy, etc.
The identification of the source of allergy is of paramount importance for the effectiveness of the therapeutic process. Define the type of stimulus assisted by cutaneous and intradermal tests, special blood tests, provocative food tests. If it is possible to find out what causes inadequate reactions from the mucous membrane of the nasal membrane, conditions should be created for maximum restriction of contact of the child with this substance. To reduce the reactivity of the mucous membrane and vessels of the nose in the children's room should maintain the optimal humidity and temperature.
A separate role is given to drug treatment, based on the use of systemic and local drugs, which can prevent and stop allergic seizures. Local funds, i. children's nasal drops from allergies, are used to temporarily improve the condition of a small patient, alleviate symptoms, restore his nasal breathing.
Than to wash out a nose at an allergy?
When exposed to aerosol allergens that enter the body through the mucous tissues of the respiratory system, a good method is to wash the nasal passages through salt solutions. In addition to the physical removal of irritating particles that have just settled on the mucous membrane, this helps to moisten the tissues, reduce the viscosity of mucous secretions. In addition, washing by purification prepares the tissues for a more effective effect of the local medicines used below.
Saline drops or nose spray for allergies can be purchased at the pharmacy network. Often these drugs are produced on the basis of sea salt, sometimes with the addition of other components of emollient and anti-inflammatory action (herbal extracts, essential oils, dexpanthenol, etc.). We list some of the similar tools used for children:
- Dolphin ;
- But-salt;
- Otrivin Moreh;
- Saline;
- Marimer;
- Humer;
- Physiomer;
- Morenezal.
In addition, it is permissible to use an ordinary saline solution for irrigation of the nasal cavity, placed in any bottle from a nasal drug with a nebulizer. Fizrastvor can still be instilled by pipetting or rinsing them with a nozzle using a rubber pear, a syringe without a needle. It is recommended to wash it out every 2-3 hours if it is exacerbated.
What to drip into the nose for an allergy to a child?
Drops against allergy to the nose, prescribed in childhood, can refer to one of the following pharmacological groups:
- antihistamines;
- hormonal (corticosteroid);
- vasoconstrictor.
It should be understood that not a single drop in the nose against allergies for children is able to completely heal from the excessive reactivity of the body to the irritating agent, but only contribute to reducing itching, mucus discharge, congestion, and sneezing. Drugs differ in the mechanism of action, the rate of onset of the effect and its duration, side effects, etc.
Nasal drops from allergies - names (list)
Depending on the severity of allergic manifestations, the presence of other diseases, the risk of complications, individual characteristics of the child's organism and some other factors, the doctor prescribes drops in the nose from allergies to children and appoints a scheme for their use. Self-treatment in this case is unacceptable, so all further information about drops in the nose from allergies, the names of the funds are provided for informational purposes.
Antihistamine drops in the nose for children
With year-round and seasonal rhinitis, drops of antihistamine action are often prescribed that block the release of inflammatory mediators, histamines, actively released into the bloodstream. Thus, a reduction in tissue edema, rhinorrhea, and the like is achieved. Antihistamine drops for children in the form of nasal solutions can be used for a long time or for a short period of time.
Common antihistamine drops in the nose for allergies for patients of childhood:
- Allergodyl ;
- Tizin Alerji;
- Histimet;
- Reactin.
Vasodilating drops in the nose for allergies
Nasal drops from allergies to children, which reduce symptoms by affecting the vessels of the nasal mucosa, are used in rare cases as an emergency aid. This need may occur with an intense swelling of the nose, which creates significant problems with breathing. The drugs of this group give a quick effect. Examples of such tools are:
- Vibrocil;
- Sanorin;
- Otrivin;
- Nasol;
- The Rhinostop.
Hormonal drops in the nose from allergies - names
Nasal drops with allergy hormones for children have a pronounced anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. They are often recommended for severe colds, when nonhormonal drugs do not have a positive effect. Such drugs are used in the course, and the result of the application should not be expected immediately, but at least a couple of days after the start of the treatment. Often the following hormonal drops are prescribed in the nose from allergies:
- Nazonex;
- Baconase;
- Fliksonase;
- Amavis;
- Nasobek.
Droplets in the nose for allergies of a new generation
To choose the best drops in a nose against an allergy, quickly and permanently stopping an allergic syndrome, - the task not from simple. Sometimes it is required to change several types of drugs in order to achieve positive results in treatment. Now new drops (spray) in the nose of allergy are starting to be used, acting somewhat differently from those described above. We are talking about such drugs as Nasawal, Prevalin.
These drugs, when introduced into the nasal cavity, create a gel-like film on the surface of the mucous membrane, which protects against the introduction of allergic substances. Basically, such medications are recommended for prevention of signs of pollinosis, but can be used for other types of respiratory allergy. Drops do not have a systemic effect on the child's body, have a minimum of contraindications and adverse reactions.