Fibromyalgia - treatment with folk remedies

Once doctors from leading European countries decided to find out what most often motivates a person to seek medical help. The answer was unexpected - any manifestation of severe pain. Although there is nothing paradoxical, in fact, there is not.

Pain is exactly the fact that even the most stubborn and thick-skinned athletes are being unsettled, let alone talking about ordinary people. But the pain of pain is different, when one can be removed with a simple reception of analgin, the other will not be killed by any improvised means. Take, for example, fibromyalgia - a terrible pain, treatment of the people, and medical devices are unfamiliar, and whether they are, folk remedies, in general. Let's deal with the last question and understand today.

Causes of fibromyalgia

But before looking for options for the treatment of fibromyalgia folk remedies, let's talk about the disease itself. First, how and with whom it manifests itself. Secondly, why is it so difficult to diagnose and treat it. And, at last, thirdly, whether there are in general these most popular means, which help from this insidious disease.

So, according to the observations of physicians most often fibromyalgia affects representatives of the beautiful half of humanity aged 40-45 years. Why? Because ladies are an emotional people, and emotions are a rich nutrient medium for stress. Stress, in turn, is the most common cause of fibromyalgia, but not the only one.

At the same age, most women begin to rebuild the body, which is set for menopausal manifestations . The level of female sex hormones decreases. Muscles and joints are no longer so flexible and mobile. Vascular lumens narrow because of the deposited cholesterol. All this can also cause fibromyalgia, but not directly, but indirectly, through a decrease in the overall level of activity in the body's metabolic resources. Although fibromyalgia is a secretive disease, it can be so disguised that you will not understand right away, so let's deal with its symptoms.

Signs of fibromyalgia

Just note that only fibromyalgia develops in adults. Affects at the same time the disease is the muscles and ligaments. Concomitant symptoms can be anything from headaches to depression to even a disorganization of the internal organs. Therefore, instead of fibromyalgia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, gastritis, neurasthenia, angina pectoris and rheumatism are often diagnosed. But with all the secrecy of our heroine is also characteristic features.

With fibromyalgia on the human body, you can find 18 pain points. If at least 10 of them are found, and muscular pain lasts more than six months, the suspicions of fibromyalgia are obvious. It remains only with the help of laboratory tests to exclude the pathology of internal organs, and a clean diagnosis is ready.

How to treat fibromyalgia?

Naturally, comprehensively and under the supervision of a doctor. Of course, it would be great to manage in the treatment of fibromyalgia only folk remedies without any pills and walking through the agony. But, as the well-known advertisement says, it's just fantastic. And yet there are some auxiliary home methods.

  1. Honey . Eat it for 1 tbsp. l. everyday. It will help to cope with weakness, saturate the body with nutrients, strengthen immunity, add strength and mood.
  2. Herbal teas . Decoctions of the following herbs strengthen the body, improve blood circulation, purify it of toxins, increase overall immunity. The list of these herbs includes burdock root, clover, dandelion, spear and echinacea, ginkgo biloba, thistle, valerian or motherwort. Brew them in turn and drink to your health.
  3. Aerobics and massage . Exercises, only slow and smooth, and easy soothing and relaxing massage have a beneficial effect on the affected muscles. Just remember, classes should be regular, daily, and not run offshoring from case to case.
  4. Warm or contrast shower . Agree, it can easily be arranged in your own bathroom. It is most effective to apply this procedure immediately after a night's sleep. It will help wake stiff muscles and calm the awakened pain.
  5. Diet . Find for yourself such a diet, so as not to overeat, but always be easily fed. The table is varied with vegetables and fruits, but for ever, brush off sugar, baked goods, coffee and alcohol.

By combining these simple home remedies with the recommendations of the attending physician, you will undoubtedly prevail over the disease of fibromyalgia. Good luck and good health.