Decoction of parsley

For some reason, in modern society, it is commonly believed that only expensive medicines help out the ailments, and only the brand cosmetic products support beauty. But is it? If we look back at least a couple of centuries ago, we will see that our ancestors were much stronger and no less beautiful than we are now.

They did not have any special sophistication, and our great-grandmothers were treated and beautified only by the generous nature. Let's take a look at the medicinal plants and discuss a decoction of parsley used for weight loss, to accelerate the monthly, for the face and acne. And we will begin with its correct preparation.

How to make a decoction of parsley?

You can prepare a decoction of parsley from its greenery, and from its seeds. And in that, and in another case, the cooking technique is almost the same, but the purpose of the broth is different. Decoction of leaves of parsley is used for weight loss , for cosmetic purposes and for the treatment of the kidneys, seeds are also used to accelerate the monthly.

So, what do you need to prepare 1 serving of parsley decoction of greens?

  1. Take a small bunch of this plant, thoroughly rinse it under running water and, after having slightly dried, finely chop.
  2. Then 2 tbsp. l. chopped parsley, place in an enamel saucepan and pour 1 cup boiling water.
  3. Put the broth in a boiling water bath for 10-15 minutes, then remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature.

Such a decoction can be drunk, slightly diluted with boiled water for weight loss. After all, parsley is an excellent stimulant for metabolism and a body cleanser from toxins. Divide the glass into 3 parts and drink each part 15-20 minutes before eating.

If you have acne on your face or face of your teenage children, soak a cotton swab in the decoction and rub the skin several times a day. And even the healing broth can be frozen in molds, and every morning and evening to remove fatigue and makeup with a refreshing parsley cube.

Decoction of parsley seeds

To prepare a decoction of parsley seeds, take also 2 tbsp. l. seeds, but fill them with 0.5 liters of boiling water and put in a water bath for 1 hour. Due to the fact that the seeds are covered with oily shell, they will have to be tormented for a long time. Divide the resulting volume into 3 parts and drink at regular intervals throughout the day. You can repeat the procedure 2-3 more times, but, as a rule, you do not have to do this. Such a decoction of parsley is used to accelerate the periods with hypomenorrhea.

Contraindications to the use of decoction of parsley

Although it is possible to eat petrushechnaya greens, the broth from parsley has its own contraindications. It can not be drunk to pregnant and lactating women, as well as to young children and people suffering from stones in the kidneys and liver. And yet parsley - the culture is wonderful, so take it to your note.