Folk remedies for headaches

Very often, traditional medicine, as an alternative to traditional medication, helps cope with the disease without resorting to the use of chemical drugs. After all, everyone knows that painkillers have a lot of side effects, and, simply getting rid of the headache, you can "make" new health problems.

Folk recipes for headaches

There are many folk recipes for headaches, which have been used successfully since ancient times. In this article, we present the most effective remedies for headache for home use.

  1. An excellent folk remedy for relieving the headache is white cabbage . To do this, fresh cabbage leaves should be kneaded to isolate the juice (you can use a wooden rolling pin) and attach it to the head in places where pain is localized (to the forehead, temples). For the greatest effect, you should fix the leaves with a bandage.
  2. A good effect of a headache, even a strong and systematic, gives such a folk remedy as fresh potato juice . It should be drunk on a quarter cup to 2 - 3 times a day. To prepare potato juice, you need to peel the clean potatoes together with the peel and squeeze. The drug is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus.
  3. To relieve an easy headache, fresh lilac leaves can be attached to the diseased portion of the head.
  4. Effective folk remedy for severe headache (especially with high blood pressure ) and migraine - fresh juice of black currant or viburnum. Freshly squeezed juice take on a third cup three times a day.
  5. Traditional medicine suggests taking from the headache infusion of flowers of clover meadow. To prepare the infusion one tablespoon of raw material pour a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Further strain and drink half the glass three times a day.
  6. Headache is susceptible to folk treatment with the use of cotton or gauze tampons dipped in fresh red beet juice , which should be put in the ears until the pain subsides.
  7. Tincture of propolis from a headache: 20 g of crushed propolis, pour 100 g of alcohol, soak 10 days in a dark glass container at room temperature, then filter. Take this medicine for 40 drops, soaking a piece of bread with tincture.
  8. The headache subsides if you lean your forehead against the window pane. This allows you to remove the accumulated static electricity, which, perhaps, led to pain.
  9. The headache that accompanies catarrhal diseases, weakens, if you lubricate the forehead, whiskey and behind the ears with menthol oil or "Zvezdochka" balm.
  10. Good soothe the headache aromas of essential oils , such as menthol, marjoram, lavender basil, pink. Essential oil (2 - 3 drops) can be placed in an aromatic lamp or aromamedalon or applied on a handkerchief and periodically inhaled.
  11. With a headache from overwork or stress, a warm bath or foot basins (ankles) help. You can add a few drops of essential oil or coniferous extract.
  12. Apply clay to the headache. Clay dilute with warm water until creamy consistency, add a few drops of vinegar. Put the clay on the soles of the feet, wrap them with a cloth, and on top put on woolen socks. Hold for an hour. This method helps to divert excess blood from the head, which weakens the pain.

Remember that even the treatment of a headache with folk remedies has contraindications. If headaches are long or you are very concerned, you should consult your doctor to determine their cause.