Tincture of magnolia vine - benefit and harm

Schizandra has been used in medicine since ancient times. Nowadays, the benefits and harms of lemongrass tincture are well studied, and the effectiveness is proven, in connection with which this plant began to grow on plantations in order to manufacture pharmaceutical preparations.

Indications for use of tincture of Schisandra

The range of application of tincture of magnolia vine is quite wide:

  1. Chronic fatigue . Systematic use of tincture increases physical activity.
  2. Depressive states . Tincture of Schisandra improves mood, helps to look at the world more optimistically.
  3. Decreased performance , the period of recovery after illness and recovery from injuries. With the help of tincture it is possible to increase work capacity and reduce fatigue of any origin.
  4. Asthenic conditions . Tincture of Schizandra fruit improves overall well-being, increases activity, mindfulness, improves memory .
  5. Neuroses . With the help of tincture, the severity of the neurosis is reduced.
  6. Increased anxiety . Tincture helps relieve tension and responds more easily to problematic situations.
  7. Restless sleep, insomnia . The systematic use of tincture contributes to a deeper sleep.
  8. The state of a hangover . Schizandra reduces the effects of alcohol poisoning.
  9. Chronic hypotension . Tincture helps to bring blood pressure back to normal.
  10. Disorders of the cardiovascular system . Lemongrass can be used as an agent for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks, as it has the property to reduce the likelihood of formation of sclerotic plaques in the blood.
  11. Increase of adaptive abilities of an organism . Tincture of Chinese magnolia vine at home is recommended to use to enhance the body's ability to resist negative factors of various origins.

When using preparations based on Schizandra, it is worth remembering about the possible harm of this plant. Since Schizandra is a strong stimulant, it should not be taken with such diseases:

Children under 12 years old tincture of magnolia vine can be given only on the advice of a doctor.