Overheating in the sun in a child - symptoms

Summer is an amazing time of the year, on the one hand it's a time of vacations, vacations, swimming in water and sunbathing, and on the other hand, if you do not observe security measures, it is getting sunburn and heat shock, which can cause not only temporary malaise, but also death. Therefore, all adults need to know the symptoms of overheating in the sun in a child, to understand when the baby will need to provide first aid.

Types of overheating and their general symptoms

Everyone knows that a child, however, like an adult, in the sun can happen a heat or sunstroke. Their difference lies in the fact that the first occurs with a general overheat of the entire body, and the second occurs when the central nervous system is damaged, as a result of the sun baking the head.

Signs of overheating in the sun in children in these two conditions are common: high body temperature rises (38 and above), there is a headache, the color of the skin changes, the baby stops sweating and the baby's breathing becomes more frequent. In addition, there are some differences that are inherent only in one of the types of overheating.

Signs of sunstroke

If your little girl likes to walk under the sun with her head bare, then there is a big risk that he will get a sunstroke. Symptoms of solar overheating in a child are as follows:

In very serious cases, the baby can see an increase in body temperature to 42 degrees, pale blue skin, nosebleeds, vomiting, hallucinations, delusions, convulsions and involuntary urination.

Symptoms of heat stroke

There are situations when you escape from the stuffy metropolis, you do not want to leave the beach even in the heat. And it is worth noting that everyone can overheat, both an adult and a baby, even when under a beach umbrella. Symptoms of thermal overheating in a child arise spontaneously and are characterized by the following:

If the baby has been on the street for a long time, the temperature from overheating in the sun at the child rises to 39 degrees, fainting, convulsions, quickening of the pulse and crumbs can not clearly formulate an answer to a simple question.

In a newborn child, the symptoms of overheating are manifested even with a minor stay in the sun in hot weather. Parents should be alerted to the change in the color of the baby's skin, both in the direction of pallor, and vice versa, redness, lethargy and poor appetite, as well as fever. In this case, the baby ceases to sweat, and the diaper can remain dry for a long time.

Security measures when staying in the sun

If it happened that on holiday the thermometer on the street goes off-scale for 35, and still want to spend more time with the baby in the fresh air, then take some tips that will save him from overheating:

So, overheating in children is manifested as high fever, and a number of other symptoms. If they manifest, the baby should be given emergency help and do not wait until this condition passes by himself. First of all, you need to move the crumb to a cool place and cool the body with wet compresses. In addition, it is recommended to give the child an antipyretic, and if there is sunburn, then it is necessary to begin their treatment. All these measures, in a complex, will help to cope faster with an organism with an overheat, and if the symptoms are serious, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor.