Vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria

From early childhood, babies are vaccinated against these extremely dangerous diseases, the risk of catching them is large enough. With infection, baby can meet anywhere: in the store, on the playground, in the kindergarten. Tetanus and diphtheria are strongly symptomatic, poorly treatable and can have irreversible effects, so vaccination is the only and extremely necessary precaution.

Features of vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus

Since 1974 in our country, vaccination of the population against these diseases is mandatory. This allowed to form immunity and reduce the incidence rate by more than 90%.

As a rule, for the first time a three-component vaccine (from diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis with one injection) is administered to children at 3 months of age, and then two more times with a half-month break. No sooner than a year later, the pediatrician will remind you of a second vaccination, and will not worry about this for as long as five years. The developed immunity to diseases will be preserved for 10 years, then the booster should be repeated. Because the life-long immunity does not work out inoculation.

A somewhat different scheme is applicable to non-vaccinated preschoolers and adults. In this case, consistently with a break in two months make the first two injections, and only six months later the third.

Where are vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus?

The injection is done intramuscularly: in the thigh or under the shoulder blade, because in these places the layer of subcutaneous tissue is minimal, and the muscle itself is very close. Also, the choice of location depends on the patient's age and physique. In general, crumbs up to three years old prick in the thigh, and older children in the deltoid muscle, that is, under the shoulder blade.

Possible complications and contraindications for vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria

Adverse reactions to the vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus do not appear so often, but sometimes there are:

As for contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to vaccinate during the period of illness, it is not recommended and during the seasonal decrease in immunity. Also, the reason for refraining from the injection can be problems with the nervous system, and an allergic reaction to the components of the vaccine. Therefore, before sending the child to the vaccination room, the pediatrician should make sure that the baby is absolutely healthy and the vaccination will not have negative consequences.