How to get a divorced husband?

In our vocabulary, the word "divorce" is quite firmly embedded, as statistics tell us that almost every third marriage ends this way. To divorce in the old days, there were very serious reasons, for example, betrayal of a spouse, necessarily confirmed by the facts or the desire of the wife or husband to go to the monastery.

At the same time, to resolve the issue - how to get divorced from a husband or wife, enough, at times, only the wishes of one of the spouses. During this period of time, the attitude to divorce became much simpler, but at the same time, not all couples can divorce correctly, that is, do not harm their own children and for the rest of their lives not remain inveterate enemies.

In most cases, the initiators of divorce are the wives, but there are fewer men who want to divorce. Most people decide on divorce, when they come to the understanding that their marriage is doomed, and the couple can not live together anymore. It's not easy to get a divorce if there is a joint child, because it is very difficult for children to accept the separation of their parents. For this case, the procedure for divorce is more troublesome and lengthy, and from a psychological point of view, the divorce is perceived much harder. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your child and not involve him in the divorce process, as this can lead to severe mental problems in your child. And under no circumstances should the child be seen with his mother or father after the divorce.

How to divorce correctly from her husband?

And in order to answer the question - how to divorce correctly from her husband, you need to listen to some tips from the practice of people who survived the divorce:

  1. Before you divorce from your husband, you need to analyze the situation in cold blood. And decide on a divorce is only if you do not see another way out of this problem. If you still made the decision "I divorce my husband!", From the very beginning try to translate the divorce in the legal and business areas. There is no need to go down to mutual humiliation and accusation.
  2. Even if all your friends, relatives and colleagues convince you that it's all your husband's fault, you should not go on about them, and do not try to take revenge on your spouse. The more coolly and confidently you approach the divorce process, the more chances you will have to maintain a decent relationship after the divorce.
  3. If the wife does not know where to get a divorce from her husband, or rather where to apply to get a divorce, do not be upset, you just need to find a local registry office and half the problem can be said has already been resolved.
  4. Nevertheless, it is possible to terminate a marriage in a local registry office only if the divorce is a mutual decision of the spouses who do not have joint underage children. In such a situation, the solution to the problem of how quickly to get divorced from her husband is one - applying to the registry office and filing an application for divorce. Mostly, a couple for reconciliation is given a month, and if during this period the spouses do not change their decision - the marriage is officially considered to be terminated and they will be issued a certificate of divorce in confirmation.
  5. In the registrar's offices, you can also divorce without her husband's consent, but only if the spouse has been declared missing or incapacitated, or serving time in places of deprivation of liberty, at least 3 years.
  6. If the husband or wife does not agree to a divorce, or if they have common children who have not reached adulthood before the divorce, the marriage will have to be terminated in court. To submit to judicial bodies there is a necessity even when there is a property dispute between the spouses, since such questions about the division of property are decided solely in the courts. During the divorce proceedings, the court necessarily takes into account the interests of both minor children and each of the spouses. For example, if you need to divorce your husband an alcoholic, then the benefits will be on the side of his wife and children.
  7. Remember, in order to properly divorce her husband, you need to turn in time for help to a qualified lawyer. It is through this that many misunderstandings and problems can be avoided.