How many times can I do cesarean delivery?

Perhaps every woman knows that a cesarean section is a caval operation for performing an artificial delivery. Recently there has been a rapid increase in the popularity of this method. That's why many young mothers are interested in the question of how many times you can do C-sections.

How many caesarean sections can a woman do?

This issue is relevant today. After all, not every woman is morally and physically ready to endure all the difficulties associated with the birth of a child through natural ways.

The incision at caesarean section is done in the uterine wall, as a rule, in the same place. Therefore, it is clear that it is very difficult to conduct such an operation a large number of times. The most important risk associated with a repeated cesarean is the divergence of the sutures applied to the uterine tissue. This phenomenon is fraught with severe uterine bleeding, which can even lead to a fatal outcome. Therefore, most experienced obstetricians agree that it is possible to conduct cesarean no more than 2 times. It is necessary that the interval between 1 and 2 of the second operation of delivery is at least 2 years. Therefore, a woman who has undergone a cesarean is warned in the maternity hospital that she can not become pregnant within the specified time.

Is it possible to conduct cesarean many times?

As you know, medicine does not stand still, and to date, many Western specialists allow multiple Cesarean sections. This raises a natural question: so what is the maximum number of caesarean sections that a woman can bear for her life?

Multiple conducting of such an operation became possible due to a change in the tactics of performing a delivery operation. Thus, the incision of the peritoneum and uterus is in most cases produced by a short transverse incision in the lower abdomen, and not by longitudinal excision from the navel to the pubis, as was done before. According to the latest techniques, sutures are applied with the use of such threads that accelerate the healing process and generally shorten the recovery period after such an operation. All this in combination led to the fact that it became possible to conduct cesarean almost indefinitely, and foreign practice confirms this with its eloquent examples. So it is known that the wife of Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy suffered 11 cesarean sections!

However, of course, it is also necessary to take into account the health of both the woman and the fetus, the features of the pregnancy, the presence of scars from previous operations on the reproductive organ, as well as the anesthetic load that the body experiences with general anesthesia.

In addition, a woman should always remember that natural childbirth is the best method of delivery, and ensure rapid adaptation of a small organism to new environmental conditions. Also, if the first births performed with the help of cesarean were due to incorrect placement of the fetus in the uterus, and not because of the pathology in the pregnant woman's body that occurs during the second birth, then the births through natural ways are possible.

Thus, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question concerning how many times a cesarean section can be done to a woman. Everything depends on many factors, which, taken together, the doctor and decides on the possibility of re-operation. In general, the number of such operations is limited only by the state of health of the woman herself, the presence of scars on the uterus, as well as the state of the fetus.