Cesarean or natural childbirth?

The dream of every woman is quick, easy, painless birth. Therefore, today many mothers, who are waiting for their first baby and who are afraid of natural birth, would like to give birth with Caesarean section. However, in our country, a pregnant woman does not yet have the right to choose the method of delivery, the decision to conduct surgery is taken by the doctors of the hospital. And yet let's figure out what is best - cesarean section or natural childbirth.

Indications and contraindications for caesarean section

The operation of caesarean section is planned (when it is known about the impossibility of natural births even during pregnancy) and emergency (when serious complications arise in the process of natural birth).

Indications for the planned cesarean section are the following:

Emergency cesarean section is performed in the following cases:

The main contraindications to cesarean section are intrauterine fetal death, incompatible with life malformations of the baby and the presence of severe infectious diseases in the pregnant woman.

Consequences of caesarean section for the mother

Even if you are very afraid of pain in childbirth, do not try to persuade a doctor to give you a cesarean section. A woman is destined to produce a child in the light in a natural way, through the birth canal. Every day thousands of moms go through this, of course, a difficult, exciting and such a wonderful way.

Cesarean section appeared as a way to save a child who is in the womb of a dying woman or just a deceased woman. Despite the fact that in modern obstetrics the caesarean section has become widespread, and abroad this operation is often used as an alternative to natural childbirth, any obstetrician-gynecologist will advise giving birth alone (of course, if there are no indications for cesarean).

Caesarean section is an operation, during and after which serious complications can arise: bleeding, development of infection or adhesions in the abdominal cavity . Is Caesarean section dangerous? In this case, as in any operation, there is always a risk of injuring internal organs, and in very rare cases, a baby.

After the operative delivery, the body of the woman is restored longer than after the natural birth. When is discharged after cesarean section? Usually this happens on the 6-7th day. In the early days of the newly mum, it's hard to move, it's hard to feed the baby, take him in your arms. In addition, subsequent natural labor after cesarean section is not always possible. And natural births after two cesareans are a huge risk, which not every obstetrician will agree to take on himself.

So what is better: cesarean or natural birth? Of course, the last one. Nevertheless, if you have any indications for cesarean, do not risk your life and health and refuse surgery.