Departure of amniotic fluid

Many young mothers remember the last weeks of pregnancy as the most hectic time. Fear of missing the passage of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor causes one to listen to your body every second. Excessive concern doctors-gynecologists consider unfounded - the beginning of the birth of the uterus, you are unlikely to miss. As for the diversion of water, it is worth paying attention to certain features.

Ambulance of amniotic fluid

The norm is considered to be the passage of amniotic fluid during labor, more precisely in the first period, when the cervix has opened more than 4 cm. The volume of fluid can vary from 500 ml to 1.5 liters. It is worth noting, there are situations when the uterus is already open, the child is ready to be born, and the waters have not yet departed. In this case, the doctors themselves produce a puncture of the amniotic fluid during delivery , and as a result, the outflow occurs. This option is absolutely not dangerous for the mother or the child and does not entail any consequences.

Much worse, when the amniotic fluid retired at an early stage - up to 34 weeks. On the one hand premature discharge of amniotic fluid threatens the life of the baby, but on the other - the child is not yet ready for emergence. In this situation, the doctor should appoint an urgent examination of the fetus, according to the results of which, and make a decision. If there are no special pathologies and threats of infection of the child, pregnancy is prolonged for several weeks.

Strangely enough, the outflow of amniotic fluid does not always occur at a time. If the amniotic fluid burst at the top or the baby's head closes the outlet of the water, then leakage is observed. When there are no contractions, the woman does not always notice the outflow, taking water for usual discharge.

Test for outflow of amniotic fluid

As doctors say, you can determine the outflow of amniotic fluid yourself. It is necessary to empty the bladder, swim, dry dry and lie down on the sheet. If within 15 minutes you find a damp spot, then urgently collect in the maternity hospital or call an ambulance. In addition, you can contact a gynecologist, who will conduct the test on the basis of a sample of excreta.

As such, there is no amniotic fluid, therefore it is especially important to determine the onset of leakage. Premature discharge of water is dangerous for the child, as it can lead to infection. With the outflow of water, if the baby's lungs are ready to open, the doctors stimulate the onset of labor activity medically for 12 hours.