What is a mummy - the healing properties of a unique substance

The land where a person feels like a master is full of mysteries and questions. One of such secrets is the appearance and exact composition of a substance with a strange name. That the mummy is not known to everyone, although its healing properties are familiar from the times of the healers of the Ancient East, and the healers of Tibet, China, India continue to use it in medical practice, although there is still no clear idea of ​​what a mummy is.

Mummy - what is it?

Mysterious gift of nature confounded researchers who are trying to establish the exact nature of its origin and evaluate the healing qualities. Numerous experiments have made it possible to understand that a mummy is a substance that has organic, mineral and inorganic components. His fishing is hampered by the fact that it is mined in the mountains, among calc-calcium rocks.

Mummy - composition

Finding out what a mummy is, it's worth mentioning that several of its types are known: light yellow, brown-brown or almost black. The substance has a consistency of soft wax and becomes moist and sticky and glossy, so it needs to be stored in a dry place. To understand what makes a mummy, we studied its origin and composition. There are several varieties of matter:

The composition found 60 to 80 chemical elements and compounds, including heavy metals, silver, aluminum, iron, manganese. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, P; contains balsamic substances, a large set of acids, including oxalic, benzoic and other essential oils, amino acids, resins. The combination of these components provides unique properties of this unusual substance. Below are the substances that are in large quantities.

Composition Organic matter content,% Composition Micronutrient content, mg
benzoic acid 4.1-5.6 manganese 4.0-11.8
gipuric acid 3.8-5.2 copper 1.6-4.2
fatty acid 1.0-3.0 aluminum 428.0-624
resins, waxy substances 3.1-4.1 iron 151.0-202.0
gums 3.6-8.1 phosphorus 200.0-550.0
albumins 1.0-12.3 chromium 1.0-8.0
plant residues, minerals 24.1-32.1

Mummy - application

The condition of the patient and the nature of his illness determine the use of the drug: inside or outside. It has a huge restorative and stimulating force, which sets the body to cure, so to get the best result from its use, you need to know how to take the mummy. Having dissolved in warm water, the drug is taken orally; for outdoor use of oil and water solutions.

Mummy from an allergy

The drug is well known to healers and is widely used by them to treat a variety of ailments. It is believed that the healing powers are inexhaustible, although the therapeutic properties of the mummy are not fully understood. Among the hurts, for the treatment of which it is used, allergies of various origin do not take the last place. It is recommended to reduce the intensity of the disease. Dosage for adults and children is different. The drug can be taken only in liquid form (1 g of mummy per 1 liter of warm water). Features of reception:

With skin rashes, a strong solution of the drug (1 g per 1 liter of water) is used externally as rubbing and lotion of affected areas. Relief can come in a few days, but a sustainable effect can be achieved after a twenty-day course. If the allergy is in the severe phase, a 50% solution is used.

Mummy with gastritis

Mumiyo is effective for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. The greatest effectiveness is achieved with gastritis, but the drug should be taken at the doctor's recommendation and not self-medicate. The use of mummy for the body is noted in the decrease in the intensity of inflammation, the irritating effect of hydrochloric acid entering the mucosa.



  1. Dissolve the drug take a glass before eating for ten days.
  2. At the end of the course you need to endure 2 - 3 days, after which you can prescribe a second course.
  3. The peculiarity of the treatment is the time interval: from taking the drug - to eating: with increased acidity - one and a half hours; at a reduced - half an hour; at normal - 50 minutes.
  4. To heal ulcers at a faster rate, it is suggested to drink the drug three times a day, prepared at the rate of: 0.3 g per glass of water.

Mummy in gynecology

Women's health ensures the happiness of motherhood, a strong family, social activity, but not everyone can avoid women's diseases. Assistance in the solution of gynecological problems can be exerted by the use of mummies, the benefits of which are confirmed by numerous positive results of research and experiments. It is used in the treatment of cystitis , thrush, polyps, infertility.

Mummy in Oncology

Oncological ailments are among the most common. The insidiousness of a cancerous tumor lies in the inconspicuous damage to the organs, and then causing a crushing blow, which not everyone can resist. If you know what a mummy is, you can use it to fight cancer, in conjunction with other drugs prescribed by your doctor. It is established that the cancer begins to develop in a weakened organism with reduced immunity. To strengthen it in the initial stage of cancer, take mummies:

After cooling the substance to +5 degrees, it is absorbed as validol, washed down with water at room temperature. For the prevention of diseases associated with cancer, mumiye drugs are not used. Official medicine has established, than it is useful mumie: it actively shows the curative properties as obscheukreplyajushchee an agent.

Mummy in fractures

One of the most effective means, contributing to the early maturation of bones, is the mummy. They say that it accelerates this process for two to three weeks. At the same time, it can be applied externally and inward, but before consulting with a doctor. It is established that if the integrity of the bones is violated, it helps to lead to normal circulation and remove the stress response to trauma. The dose and the scheme, how to drink the mummy, is determined by the doctor.

Mummy from hair loss

To improve the structure, to fill life and strengthen the roots of hair, use herbal tea in combination with mummies. Strengthen the effect of its use, if you add the mummy to the shampoo. The substance is first dissolved in warm water, which needs very little, then added to a bottle of detergent. In addition to the immediate improvement of hair, this composition has a beneficial effect on the scalp. Add 2 g of the drug to a 700 ml bottle.

Mummy for the face

In cosmetology, the drug has been used since ancient times. It helps to strengthen immunity, prevents aging of the body. Actively used mummy for the face from wrinkles in masks, it helps to get rid of toxins and toxins, eliminate dermatological problems. Wipes and compresses are useful, but cosmetic masks from a preparation in the pure state or with its addition in any basis for masks are considered as effective. The results are staggering:

Use of the drug helps:

Mask from rashes



  1. Tablets thoroughly mash and lightly heat honey. Be sure to mix thoroughly.
  2. Apply the coating evenly and leave for 15 minutes.

Rejuvenating tonic



  1. Lightly heat the wine and add crushed tablets. Leave everything in the refrigerator for the night.
  2. Wipe the finished product with the skin every day for 14 days, and then you need to take a break. Do it better in the evening. If the skin is dry, wash it off after 20 minutes, and if it is oily, leave it overnight.

Mumie for weight loss

From a variety of means for losing weight, many women (and more often they are concerned about this problem) allocate mummies, claiming that this is a magic drug capable of doing miracles. The benefit of the mummy for women is obvious: it helps to get rid of excess weight in a short time, to improve the body, to maintain its vitality, to strengthen immunity , to overcome stressful and depressive conditions; Besides:

But you need to understand that "magic" is possible when taking the drug with courses with exact knowledge of how to apply the mummy and why to do it, a diet recommended by specialists, regulated physical activity. It is advisable to abandon bad habits and move on to a healthy lifestyle. From the list it is clear that to consider the drug as the only possible means for losing weight, it is not necessary.

Detox drink



  1. Grind the root of ginger and combine it with other ingredients. Stir well and insist half an hour. After that, strain.
  2. Drink a drink in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening a few hours before bedtime.




  1. First, the tablets must be diluted with water, and then, mix everything with the cream.
  2. Massage should be done every day, performing warm-up circular motions. Still perform rubbing, kneading and various vibrating techniques. The result will be visible after 4-5 weeks.

Mumiye - contraindications

Studying the question of what a mummy is, its properties and its impact on the state of health, the scientists did not reveal the negative consequences of taking this medicinal product, donated by nature. However, does not mean that you can take it, how much and how you like. True, there are no serious consequences, but noted that an overdose of mummies, as a diuretic, can cause inconvenience on the job or on a trip. In any case, use the drug better after consulting with specialists.