Garlic, honey and lemon for cleaning vessels

It's no secret that cardiovascular diseases are one of the most frequent causes of mortality, not only for the elderly, but also for young people. In many respects "due to" poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle and poor ecology, people began to suffer from various ailments associated with the work of the main "motor" of the body. To prevent their appearance and reduce the risk of occurrence will help garlic, honey and lemon , which in folk medicine are used to clean the vessels.

The healing properties of lemon, garlic and honey

The usefulness and value for the organism of each of these three components is beyond doubt. Lemon is rich in ascorbic acid, fiber, pectin substances, minerals and other components that positively influence the work of the heart, prevent the blockage of blood vessels, strengthen their walls and normalize the tone of the heart muscle. Honey - this storehouse of medicinal substances acts as a cure for all ailments. It dilates the vessels, improving the coronary circulation, normalizing the pressure and feeding the heart muscle. It is especially useful for the elderly, who already after 2 months of regular intake of diuresis and edema decrease.

In addition to a huge number of useful components, garlic contains hydrogen sulphide, which relaxes the walls of blood vessels, acting as a means of preventing and treating atherosclerosis, hypertension, arrhythmia , angina, etc. The mixture of lemon, garlic and honey, in which the components complement each other, Effect.

The use of a composition of lemon, garlic and honey

To make the tincture, you need 4 heads of garlic, 350 ml of honey and 6 lemons. Garlic clean, citrus washed, cut and remove the bones. Grind these two products in a blender. Mix with honey and put into the refrigerator for 10 days, closing the neck of the can of gauze. After filtering and taking the tincture of 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day. The first time in a quarter of an hour before breakfast, and the second one an hour after dinner, in a glass of water.