Useful properties of the tea mushroom

Surely many have heard of the tea fungus and know that it is used to treat certain diseases, but not all have experienced its beneficial properties on themselves. Many simply do not have enough information about a drink obtained on the basis of a tea mushroom, others simply do not undertake to grow it and store it, since the fungus needs constant care.

Perhaps, having learned in more detail about what exactly is the benefit of a tea fungus, you decide to use this miracle cure, which can be used for preventive purposes, and also used simply as a tasty tonic drink.

Composition of a tea mushroom

In fact, it is not a mushroom at all, but a symbiosis of yeast-like fungi and bacteria that looks like a thick mucous film floating on the surface of the liquid. The composition of the tea fungus, which determines its useful properties, includes: enzymes, ethanol, acids - lactic, acetic, citric, malic, koya, gluconic, ethanol, vitamins B, C, PP, caffeine and sugar.

Healing properties of the tea mushroom

Application of a tea mushroom

The therapeutic properties of the tea fungus can be used to treat such diseases:

In addition, the tea fungus lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood, is a preventive for polyarthritis, atherosclerosis, rheumatic heart disease.

Use of a tea mushroom at losing weight

Tea mushroom is an excellent remedy in the fight against excess weight. Unfortunately, it can not burn fat and reduce appetite, but it will help to remove excess fluid, normalize metabolism, maintain the body's tone while observing low-calorie diets. Thus, with the help of a tea fungus, you can accelerate the process of losing weight without harm to the body .

Contraindications for use

Some fear that the kombucha has harmful properties and can cause damage to the body. However, clinical trials have shown that a properly prepared drink based on it is safe.

To ensure that the tea mushroom is beneficial and does not harm, consider its contraindications, which include: