Otitis - treatment with folk remedies

Otitis is called ear inflammation. Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, otitis occurs external, middle and inner. Most often in the treatment of otitis, doctors prescribe a course of antibiotics, as well as anti-inflammatory drops that relieve edema, reduce pain and clear the auditory canals. Nevertheless, there are situations in which drug treatment is not available. Do not despair. Otitis or ear inflammation can be treated with folk remedies.

Treatment of otitis in the home

The first thing you need to do if the temperature rises and you feel pain in your ear is to go to bed. Adherence to bed rest is an important factor on the way to successful treatment of otitis. If you use traditional medicine, then treatment of otitis can be done with drops of "Sofraks", "Otipaks", "Otinum". In parallel with the drops, you can make warming cotton swabs and invest them in a sore ear. Wet cotton swabs can be moistened in boric or camphor alcohol. Droplets and alcohol must be heated to body temperature before use. People's means, tested by more than one generation, are popular. Among them - mummies, onions, garlic. There are many folk recipes for the treatment of otitis to relieve the pain symptom and inflammation in the patient's ear, as well as for the resumption of hearing.

Otitis - symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Before you start treatment with folk remedies, you need to determine the type of disease. Distinctive symptoms and types of otitis:

  1. External otitis - swelling, peeling of the visible part of the ear canal, pain and itching in the ear.
  2. Average otitis media - shooting pain, sometimes purulent discharge, sensation of stuffiness in the ear, deterioration of hearing, fever.
  3. Internal otitis - pain in the ear, dizziness, nausea, a sensation of noise in the ears, gait disturbance, twitching of the eyeballs.

It is important to remember that you can fight at home with only external and secondary otitis media. Folk methods of treating otitis are inappropriate with internal otitis, which threatens to completely lose hearing. He is treated exclusively in a hospital.

Purulent otitis media - treatment with folk remedies

Discharges from the ear indicate a complicated form of the disease - purulent otitis. Folk remedies against purulent otitis media are medications prepared at home, with antibacterial or antiseptic properties:

  1. Washing of the ear with purulent otitis often produces a decoction of chamomile. To do this, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of medicine chamomile pour 500 ml of water, bring to a boil and insist 40 minutes. With a warm broth, douching of the patient's ear is performed.
  2. After washing and clearing of pus in the ear canal, gauze tampons moistened in propolis solution are introduced. Also, tampons can be wetted in a solution with a mummy.
  3. Tampons can alternate with droplets of wild garlic juice (bear onions).

If treatment of exudative otitis with folk remedies did not give a positive result within a week, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Such a disease is fraught with inflammation of the cerebral cortex.

Chronic otitis media - treatment with folk remedies

With chronic otitis exacerbation of the disease can occur even with the first signs of a cold. It is important to take all measures to prevent inflammation. Restoring and strengthening the immune system, vasodilating drops during rhinitis are excellent ways to avoid otitis. But if all the same it came to an aggravation? Treatment of acute otitis with folk remedies assumes the same tactics as in the treatment of otitis of all forms. Several recipes that have considerable success in the treatment of otitis:

  1. It is necessary to pour petals of 20 roses with 100 ml of boiling water. After half an hour, squeeze out the petals and dissolve 10 g of mummy in the infusion, adding 5 drops of essential rose oil. The resulting solution is left on a water bath until the mixture is evaporated. Bury such a tool you need 3 drops in each ear before going to bed.
  2. Grind the aloe leaf and wrap it in gauze or bandage so that a tampon turns out. To put aloe it is necessary for the night in each ear.
  3. Tampons of garlic oil will help get rid of otitis. For cooking oil, you need half a glass of peeled chopped garlic cloves. Pour them with the same amount of olive oil and insist in a dark place for 3 days.

Otitis externa - treatment with folk remedies

With external otitis, warming up with a blue lamp is helpful. Such procedures help to relieve pain and improve the overall condition of the patient. In the treatment of external otitis, folk remedies often use warming therapy. There is still a dispute about the harm of warming compresses between professional otolaryngologists and fans of traditional medicine. Unequivocally, we can say only one thing: warming compresses significantly relieves the condition with earaches during external otitis, but can be dangerous for purulent otitis, as well as for middle or internal types of the disease. The procedure is as follows:

  1. On a water bath, you need to warm up 100 ml of vodka to a temperature of 40 degrees. Act carefully, remembering that the substance is easily flammable.
  2. From the gauze, cut a square of such dimensions that it covers the parotid space. In the middle of the square, cut a hole.
  3. Wet gauze in warmed vodka and put the ear in the hole.
  4. Over the gauze overlay the same square of polyethylene.
  5. Next, you need to put a thick layer of cotton wool.
  6. Wrap your head over the ears with a bandage, fixing the compress.
  7. From above it is possible to put on an easy cap or a scarf.
  8. Keep the compressor until it cools down completely.