Laser removal of moles

Once, in the Middle Ages, a woman with a mole on her face was considered a lucky woman, marked by fate. Later missing moles began to compensate for overhead "flies", and even invented a dumb language with the help of these cute decorations.

Nowadays, they try to get rid of moles, especially if they are on the face, arms or neck, are affected by clothing, or accessories, interfere with the massage and other fizeo procedures. And the most painless, easy and minimally traumatic disposal of moles is the method of laser removal. Whether this is so, and also how to care for the skin after this operation, and what complications can be expected from this procedure, we will talk today.

Laser removal of moles - when you can, and when you can not?

But before deciding to resort to the procedure for laser removal of moles, let's consider when this procedure can be done, and when not. So, the following can be considered as an indication for the removal of moles with a laser:

  1. If the existing small mole suddenly began to grow rapidly.
  2. If so far the calm birthmark has changed its appearance, shape and boundaries.
  3. If your birthmark began to itch, hurt and changed its usual color.
  4. If the mole is healthy, but clinging to clothes all the time, interferes with any medical procedures, and because of this is in constant irritation.

Contraindication to the removal of moles can be attributed:

Care after removal of a birthmark with a laser

But the operation was successful, after the removal of the birthmark there is no colloid scar, no melanoma, how can we behave now?

  1. First, after removing the birthmark with a laser for 4-6 weeks, you should be careful of direct sunlight. It is necessary to close the operated place from the sun and use sunscreen .
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations, apply only those ointments that he has prescribed.
  3. Thirdly, as little as possible, disturb the operated place. The crust, formed after the removal of the birthmark, disappears by itself.

Complications after removal of the birthmark with a laser

However, if there is a wrong post-operative care, or if the doctor's competence is low, complications can arise which you should not forget about:

  1. Infection of wounds. It happens rarely, but if it happens, you need to immediately seek help.
  2. It happens that after the removal of the birthmark, the scar hurts. Here, too, you need to see a doctor, find out and eliminate the cause.
  3. Sometimes, if the size of the moles is too large, they can not be completely removed. The solution is only one, after a while, repeat the operation.
  4. And, finally, the most unpleasant is when a colloidal scar is formed after the removal of the birthmark. You can eliminate it in several ways, but which one is right for you, the attending physician will decide.

Here, perhaps, and everything you need to know about laser removal of moles. Good luck to you and beautiful appearance.