Noiseless vacuum cleaner

Modern technologies have skipped so far that now even talking on the phone and simultaneously cleaning the house with a vacuum cleaner is quite realistic. Noiseless vacuum cleaners also please young parents, who can now clean at a time when their baby blissfully sleeps in the crib.

Noiselessly - does not mean ineffectively

Of course, quiet operation of the vacuum cleaner should not be at the expense of the quality of cleaning. The technique should be a good helper and perform the assigned duties, so a powerful and quiet vacuum cleaner is the perfect combination.

To not be disappointed after the purchase, pay attention to the inscriptions made by the manufacturer. Look at such characteristics as noise level and useful power.

Models with characteristics of 60-65 decibels - this is, perhaps, for today the quietest vacuum cleaners. For comparison - an ordinary noisy vacuum cleaner has a loudness of 75-80 decibels when working at full power.

Do not assume that this is a small difference in appearance. In fact, the difference even in 3 decibels corresponds to half the acoustic power.

To achieve quiet work, manufacturers use these or other methods. For example, the insulation of the motor noise is added inside the unit. This can be an absorbent foam, suspension or special connecting structures. Such vacuum cleaners weigh more - within 6-8 kg. In some models, manufacturers are working on air circulation: the better it is, the less noise is produced by the vacuum cleaner.

With the noise level determined, now carefully read about this indicator as a useful power (W). This indicator just shows the suction power. Household vacuum cleaners usually have 240-480 watts. Do not confuse this characteristic with electrical power - it only shows the level of electricity consumption. The efficiency of the engine also provides some degree of cleaning quality: the higher the figure, the better it clears and thus produces less noise.

With or without a bag

What kind of vacuum cleaner is the most quiet: with or without a bag? - you ask. Definitely, the most silent vacuum cleaners are vacuum cleaners with dust bags. Their brethren, devoid of a dust bag in the form of a bag and functioning with a cyclone, work louder. However, manufacturers are still trying to achieve good and at the same time quiet operation in the models of vacuum cleaners without a bag. So, noiseless vacuum cleaners with an aquafilter is also a reality, not a dream.

So, among the noiseless vacuum cleaners you can note several models, such as:

Each of them is an excellent assistant to a person in the cleaning of living quarters, while making a minimum of noise.