Vacuum cleaner with water filter

The house constantly needs to clean, maintain cleanliness and order.

Recently, consumers of home appliances increasingly prefer vacuum cleaners with a water filter.

The device of a vacuum cleaner with aquafilter

The air purification technology, which is used in vacuum cleaners with aquafilter, reduces dust emissions to a value of 0.01%. Such a vacuum cleaner not only cleans the house, but also cleans and moistens the air. The suction power of the vacuum cleaner with the aquafilter is constant throughout the cleaning process. While in a dry vacuum cleaner with a dust bag, the power varies and decreases as the dust bag fills.

Vacuum cleaner with water filter consists of:

After the vacuum cleaner is turned on at high speed, the separator starts working. Water is poured into the reservoir, which spins up and begins to absorb dust. Sand and other rubbish settles on the bottom.

There is also the law of nature: water and particles of dust differ in different electric charge, which creates an additional attraction, as a result of which even the smallest dust particles settle in water. Thus, the air is cleansed and humidified in addition to the main function of the vacuum cleaner - getting rid of debris and dust.

Advantages of vacuum cleaner with aquafilter

A washing vacuum cleaner with a water filter, like any technical device, has a number of advantages:

In some models of vacuum cleaners with aquafilter, an additional HEPA filter is installed, which is located at the air outlet of the vacuum cleaner, and not at the inlet as in conventional models. Such a fine filter cleans from the smallest particles of dust that are floating in the air (wool, pollen, spores of fungi).

Since not all vacuum cleaner models have such an additional filter, it can be purchased additionally. Some manufacturers offer HERA filters of a single or multiple use. A reusable filter, consisting of PTFE, allows you to better cope with dust than a disposable paper.

Disadvantages of vacuum cleaners with aquafilter

A washing vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter has several disadvantages:

How to choose vacuum cleaners with aquafilter?

When buying a vacuum cleaner, you should pay attention to the following factors:

If the family has children, you should pay attention to the presence in the vacuum cleaner of a special clip with an electromagnetic switch. It will protect your baby while the vacuum cleaner is working, if he accidentally opens it.

Despite the high cost of a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter, its purchase will make the cleaning process at home pleasant and easy. Such a vacuum cleaner will become an indispensable assistant, able not only to clean the room, but also to clean and moisten the air. This is especially important when there are small children in the house.