What cereal is the most low-calorie?

At the heart of many diets lie porridge. The reason for this love of cereals is based on the fact that they contain substances important for the body that help the body function during diets. Fiber, vitamins and minerals are good support for a hungry body. In addition, many cereals contribute to improving the performance of internal organs and weight loss.

However, in order for cereals to help get rid of extra pounds, you need to know which cereal is the most low-calorie. Immediately it is necessary to take into account the fact that calorie counting in porridges is approximate. The manufacturer on the packaging usually indicates the caloric value of the dry cereal. This figure is based on people counting calories in their diet. However, this is not entirely true, since the caloric content of the finished product will differ from the dry cereal.

Lowest calorie groats

The most low-calorie cereals are:

  1. Oatmeal, the average caloric content of which is in the range of 335-350 kcal.
  2. Rice with a caloric content of 320-340 kcal.
  3. Pearl barley with a caloric content of 324-335 kcal.
  4. Corn, the calorie content of which is about 325 kcal.
  5. Buckwheat porridge with a caloric content of about 325-335 kcal.

What cereals are the lowest calorie of the named, it is difficult to say, since their caloric content is approximately the same. In addition, the number of calories even in one crop will differ depending on the grade and quality of the cereals.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the calorie content of the porridge consists of all the components that it added. Therefore, the most low-calorie will be porridge on the water and without any additives. Making porridge on milk, with the addition of oil and sugar, increases its caloric content by several times.

To get rid of the use of cereals only benefit and not gain excess weight , it is necessary to prepare simple cereals without additives. An exception may be a small amount of raisins, honey or dried apricots.