How to knock down the temperature in a child quickly and safely?

It is important for parents to know how to knock down a child's temperature and when to do it. In this situation, you can not panic. It is necessary to act judiciously, because incorrectly rendered help can cause a great harm to the child. In addition, in certain circumstances it is necessary to call a doctor immediately. Parents should take into account all these factors.

High fever in a child causes

Hyperthermia can be caused by various factors. Often the temperature in children up to a year increases due to overheating. It happens in such cases:

The heat in a child can occur with teething and as a reaction to an inoculation. In addition, hyperthermia is observed when children are exposed to bacteria, viruses or toxins. In response to such "uninvited guests," the immune system secretes pyrogens. These are special substances that increase body temperature. Under such conditions, immunity quickly neutralizes "pests".

What is the temperature you need to knock down a child?

Pediatricians have such a classification of hyperthermia:

Before you can knock down the temperature of a child with medication, parents need to take into account the existing WHO recommendations. Pediatricians believe that it is impractical to give the baby antipyretic drugs if the indicator of the thermometer is less than 39 ° C. However, this is a general recommendation, and additional features should be taken into account:

  1. Age of the baby - for babies the maximum permissible value is 38 ° С. In children aged 1.5 to 3 years, the heat should not rise more than 38.5 ° C.
  2. General condition of the child - if at a temperature of 38.5 ° C, a toddler (over three years old) sleepy and listless, one must immediately give him antipyretic drugs.

What temperature you need to knock down a child - depends on the diseases that the baby suffers. Pediatricians recommend giving antipyretics at a temperature of 38 ° C for children regardless of age, if:

How to knock down a child's heat?

In each human body, including the baby, two important physiological processes take place simultaneously: heat transfer and heat production. When the body temperature rises, the last of them accelerates. To bring the indicator back to normal, you need to reduce heat production and increase heat transfer. The following actions contribute to the regulation of the first physiological process:

  1. Ensure the baby bed rest - he must lie quietly. If a child runs and sports, it only increases heat production.
  2. Reduce the diet - if the baby is densely eaten, his body will digest food when digesting food.
  3. Drinking and eating should not be hot - they will add extra degrees of heat to the body.

Antipyretics for children will help bring down the temperature. However, simultaneously with them, it is necessary to provide increased heat transfer. To achieve this, you need:

  1. Create an optimal microclimate in the room. The recommended air temperature is + 18 ° C, and humidity - 60%. However, this does not mean that the baby needs to freeze. It can be dressed warmly and covered with a blanket.
  2. Ensure active sweating - this requires a copious drinking regimen.

Candles for children

Medicines in this form of release are well tolerated at any age. They are allowed to use at a high temperature, which is accompanied by vomiting. In addition, antipyretic candles for children do not have a negative effect on the baby's stomach. They effectively cope with their task. More often children prescribe such antipyretic candles:

Heat syrup for children

Such antipyretic agents differ among themselves not only with the name, but also with the main active substance. Produce drugs based on ibuprofen:

More often prescribed such medicines from temperature on the basis of paracetamol:

Tablets from the temperature for children

Antipyretics in this form of release are given to those kids who know how to swallow pills. Drink them with a lot of water. These antipyretic tablets are often prescribed:

Тройчатка at temperature

This drug is known as a lytic mixture . It contains the following components:

One or two components of this drug can be replaced with other drugs. For example, instead of Diazoline, Suprastin or Dimedrol is used. Analgin is replaced with paracetamol or another antipyretic agent. Instead of No-shpa used can Papaverin. Make such substitutions and calculate the ratio, as well as the number of components should an experienced pediatrician. He will make a shot from the temperature of the child. Here experiments are unacceptable!

Traditional means of temperature for children

If the indicator of the thermometer does not exceed the maximum permissible value, alternative methods can be used to normalize the state of the baby. Some parents try to find out how to knock down the temperature with vinegar to a child, but this method will rather hurt than help. Through the skin, the active substance will enter the blood, and as a result, acid poisoning will also be added to the disease. To normalize body temperature, only proven child-safe methods should be used. Here mistakes are not allowed!

How to knock down the temperature of a child without medication with the help of infusion of echinacea?

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Water is brought to a boil and filled with a medicinal plant.
  2. Leave the infusion for half an hour.
  3. Filter and give the drug a couple of sips to the baby. He must drink this infusion a day.

Do not get lost temperature - what to do?

If the drug taken by the child is ineffective, the baby should be given an antipyretic agent with another active substance. For example, paracetamol-based syrup did not help, so after a while you can drink a drug created on ibuprofen. The interval between these medications should be an hour. Then, to make sure that the temperature of the children has fallen, you need to measure it.

If, after this, it remains high, you should immediately call an ambulance. A specialist knows how to bring down the temperature of a sick child. More often children are injected with Analginum with Dimedrolum. After such an injection, in most cases, a lightning effect occurs: the temperature drops literally before our eyes. You need to call a doctor even when the baby's hyperthermia is observed for more than three days in a row. In addition, a dangerous condition is considered if high fever is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. Here you can not do without medical assistance.