Why does the child sweat much?

Parents of kids often face the question, why do small children sweat? Is this a sign of the disease and how to deal with sweating in toddlers. We will try to understand the seriousness of this problem.

Why often a newborn baby sweats?

Everyone knows that the mechanism of thermoregulation in children is not yet developed, it will happen closer to three years. And until then, the slightest overheating leads to increased sweating - so the child's body protects itself from the effects of external factors unfavorable for it.

Overly caring parents, in order to protect the crumb from colds in every possible way, try to warm it up as much as possible - they raise the temperature of the air in the room, while humidity usually decreases; dress in warm suits and hats. All these actions only harm the baby - he instantly overheats and begins to cry, as he becomes hot and uncomfortable.

Even if the hands and feet of the baby are cool to the touch, this does not indicate that it is cold - this is normal, and do not try to warm it.

Why does the child sweat when sleeping?

During sleep, the baby's body relaxes, but the nervous system, which was in tension during the waking period, does not sleep. The child sweats because he experiences different experiences even in a dream. Especially often wet after sleep is the head and back of the child. After waking up, you need to change the bed and underwear of the baby. If this condition continues for a long time, then this is an occasion to visit a neurologist and an endocrinologist.

In addition to neurological reasons, sweating can be caused by excessive wrapping and unnatural fibers in clothing, as well as bed linens.

Most grandmothers know why a small child sweats strongly - of course, he has rickets. But this is not always true, because sweating is not the first sign of this disease, and therefore it is not necessary to put a diagnosis beforehand, a qualified pediatrician who follows the child's condition and adjusts the dose of vitamin D that comes through the food should do it.