Chicken of tobacco in the oven

Chicken of tobacco - chicken, fried in a frying pan under a lid with spices and garlic, is one of the most popular dishes of Georgian cuisine. It is more correct to pronounce "tappaka chicken" (from "tzikila tapaka", the last word is the name of a special Georgian frying pan for cooking this dish).

How to cook a chicken?

The young chicken is cut from the side of the chest, caught and fried under the press.

Do not be discouraged if you do not have a special frying pan, you can fry even on a simple clean metal sheet, the main thing is to squeeze the chicken with a press.

Tell you how delicious to cook a chicken of tobacco in the oven, the recipe is executed almost the same way, and the way of cooking is much more healthy than roasting.

Choose chicken

A chicken or a young chicken should be chosen as a steamed or chilled, unfrozen, weighing not more than 600 g (best 400-500 g).



First prepare the chicken.

Before frying (or baking), the chicken should be cut from the side of the chest, spread out-grind (or slightly discourage the carcass from the side of the skin) and marinate. Marinade is best made from a small amount of unalloyed table white wine with garlic, red and black pepper, hops-suneli spices and fragrant herbs (parsley, tarragon, coriander, etc.). If there is no unglazed wine, just replace it with water with lemon juice (and can be cognac), add crushed garlic, spices and chopped greens. Marinade should not be too liquid. Let the chicken lie down, covered with marinade, for 2 hours, then it must be wiped clean with a napkin so that there are no pieces of garlic and herbs left, especially on the inside, which will come in contact with the frying pan (otherwise it will burn). After that, you can still chicken the chicken on the side where the skin, pieces of garlic.

In another, faster, simplified version, you can simply chicken the chicken, rub it with a mixture of garlic juice with salt, black and red pepper and fry immediately. Sometimes, the chicken is smeared with melted natural butter to make it tastier.

Now we are preparing the chicken of the tobacco in the oven.

Melt in the pan (without handle) chicken fat or pour it on the bottom of the ceramic form. Place the chicken in the frying pan with its inner side facing down, skin up. Press down the lid of a smaller size or an inverted plate. We install the load (for example, a cleanly washed stone). We bake the chicken in a preheated oven to a ruddy brownish-golden crust (the optimum temperature is about 200 ° C, the baking time is about 15-20 minutes on one side, depending on the size of the bird). Then the chicken should be turned over, the press is set again and brought to the ready. You can and without turning, then the temperature should be less, and bake - a little longer.

Alternatively, it is possible to bake a tobacco chicken in an oven on a grate.

Grate, of course, you need to grease, and from the bottom put a baking tray, which will drain the emitted fat and juices. Put the press on for the first 20 minutes, then remove it and bring it to the ready without the press.

The chicken is served well with a spicy sauce.

Sauce for chicken can be cooked in the simplest version of crushed garlic, red pepper, salt and water. Or cook a quick sauce based on tomato paste with pepper and garlic, you can with the addition of lemon juice. You can serve adzhika (tomatoes, sweet pepper, hot red pepper, garlic - all in a blender or a meat grinder + salt, proportions arbitrary) instead of the sauce. The sauce can also be made from pomegranate juice.

Of course, to the chicken of tobacco it's good to serve a table light wine or chacha, a good grape brandy, fresh fruit vegetables and Georgian lavash or a lean-toast.