Flying rods

This world is full of mysteries, and not all of them science has given an explanation. It's even more interesting: each of us has the freedom to invent his stories about this or that mysterious phenomenon, than mankind with ecstasy and engaged. Perhaps, most of all myths (and, maybe, these are not myths) are written about UFOs and flying rods. And if the documentary confirmation of the first - and once obchelsya, then video and photos of the second phenomenon is more than enough. Not a few, however, those who think that the flying rods is a UFO. But it is not so. What are flying rods?

Opening of Jose Escamilla

In 1994, an amateur ufologist, Jose Escamilla, capturing the landscapes of the American town of Roswell (a Mecca for all UFO lovers, after all, allegedly in 1947 a ship of aliens crashed), made a sensational discovery. When viewing the collected material, he found on some shots the presence of mysterious creatures resembling rods with wings. Detecting them became possible only with a detailed storyboard of the film, because they passed by the camera lens at such a huge speed that the human eye could not see them. The news instantly flew around the world, and the flying rods became the main favorites of ufologists. Absolutely everything was wanted to capture them on their camera, and for very many it really turned out. Flying rods were seen everywhere. Even such an authoritative channel as "National Geographic" showed the world shots on which the outcrops of the rods from the ocean's waters are clearly visible-it is surprising that the water diverges when the objects are raised, which indicates the authenticity of the captured phenomenon.

After such obvious evidence of the existence of these incredible creatures, science could not ignore this fact, but to give an unambiguous answer what it is, it can not until now. Some scientists seriously believe that the flying rods are unearthly beings, extraterrestrial, because they are capable of developing a speed with which nothing earthly can compare. Others put forward theories about organisms from the ocean floor or those places where man can not dwell. More skeptical representatives of the academic world say that what everyone else calls flying rods is actually ordinary insects that left traces on the film. But what about the frames on which the flying rods fly out of the water? Or how to explain the footage with these same creatures made in outer space? There are no answers to these questions.

Flying rods - messengers of immortality

Among the various theories explaining the nature and essence of such a phenomenon as flying rods, it has become very popular that it is nothing but a new form of life for all the dead. That supposedly a long time ago there was a civilization that reached such heights of development that it created technologies capable of giving immortality. The new form of life differs significantly from the organic life habitual for us, but not nearly as interesting.

Whether to believe in the existence of unidentified flying objects or not is a personal matter for everyone. But it's worth thinking about: can there really be a parallel universe?