Sinusitis in children - symptoms and treatment depending on the type of disease

Sinusitis in children, the symptoms and treatment of which is well known to all pediatricians, is considered a serious disease. If the right time does not properly cure it, the ailment can become a big problem for life. Knowing the main manifestations of the disease, avoiding severe consequences will be much easier.

Can the child have sinusitis?

Not just can, but very often. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in children begins with almost every cold or viral infection. The maxillary sinuses are connected with the nasal cavity with the help of an opening, so the pathological processes that occur in the nose necessarily affect them. Because of the reactivity of the child's body, even the slightest common cold can lead to inflammation. Simply put, snot of any origin causes sinusitis. The severity of the latter depends on the form of inflammation.

Sinusitis - types in children

Symptoms of the disease may differ. Sinusitis in children - the symptoms and treatment of it - can be different. An illness can be of such types:

  1. Viral or rhinogenic. It develops against the background of acute respiratory viral infection or influenza.
  2. Allergic. Runny nose appears as a reaction of the body to contact with the allergen: flower pollen, animal hair, dust, chemicals, food.
  3. Bacterial. The heaviest and most dangerous. In bacterial lesions, the entrances to the maxillary sinuses are covered by dense clots of mucus, and their contents are suppressed. It is accompanied by inflammation with severe swelling, soreness.

Disease of genyantritis - the species do not matter - can be both acute and chronic. The last ailment passes if one does not heal at all or do it wrong. The acute form of sinusitis lasts no longer than 21 days. When the chronic course of the disease in the maxillary sinuses accumulate bacteria, and the inflammatory process develops very actively.

Sinusitis - causes of children

Develops sinusitis in children, the symptoms and treatment of which will be discussed below, in most cases against the background of a runny nose. Infection from the respiratory tract is transferred to the maxillary sinuses, and the inflammatory process begins on their mucous membranes. Colds and viruses are not the only factors that can cause illness. There are other causes of sinusitis:

Signs of sinusitis in children

Very often, on the symptoms of sinusitis in children, parents do not pay attention to the last, taking them for signs of a common cold. This greatly complicates the therapy and course of the disease. To avoid undesirable consequences, you need to know the main signs of sinusitis, among which:

The child has sinusitis - what to do?

Fight with the disease can be at home. Sinusitis in children, whose symptoms and treatment are well understood by medicine, makes breathing more difficult. With relief, therapy should begin. Nasal passages must be cleaned of mucus and microbes. Helping sinusitis in children helps such activities:

  1. Humidification of air in the room.
  2. Maintain in a room where the child is constantly at a temperature of 20 degrees.
  3. Nasal discharge should be permanently removed - by rinsing, special sprays, drops, syringes.
  4. Antipyretic is recommended to give at a temperature above 38.5 degrees.
  5. It is necessary to strengthen the immunity of the baby. Vitamin Complexes, Fruits, Special Means.

Nasal wash with genyantritis

This method is considered one of the most popular and effective. Rinsing of the nose with genyantritis at home can be done. The procedure helps to get rid of excess mucus in the maxillary sinuses and prevents inflammation and the formation of pus. By washing, the thick masses dilute, gradually come out of the nasal passages, and breathing is facilitated.

How do I wash my nose correctly? The algorithm of the procedure does not change depending on the solution chosen. It is composed of several stages:

  1. Before washing, the nose should be thoroughly cleaned. If necessary, you can use vasoconstrictive drugs to temporarily neutralize sinusitis in children - its symptoms - and treat effectively.
  2. The easiest way to wash the nasal sinuses with a syringe or a syringe without a needle. Some parents manage to persuade children into the procedure using a teapot.
  3. The child should tilt his head one side over the sink or bathtub. The device for the procedure is inserted into that nostril, which is located on top, and begin to slowly fill the liquid.
  4. When the entire composition is in the nose, the head should be tilted in the opposite direction , and the liquid will flow out on its own, taking with itself harmful substances and pathogenic microorganisms.

Than to wash out a nose at a genyantritis? The most popular are such substances:

Inhalation with genyantritis

Some parents are sure that inhalation during sinusitis is inappropriate, but this opinion is a great misconception. In some cases, the procedures not only bring relief, but also contribute to a speedy recovery. Treatment of sinusitis in children with inhalations has an indisputable advantage. During the procedure, the medicinal composition falls directly into the maxillary sinuses, thereby ensuring the maximum therapeutic effect.

Before treating sinusitis in children, buying a nebulizer is not necessary. The device is more convenient to use, children are not afraid of it, but it is quite possible to do without it. Traditional steam procedures have a similar effect, however, to persuade "breathe over a saucepan" a child is heavier. To overcome catarrhal sinusitis in children, inhalations are prepared with such means:

Antibiotic for sinusitis in children

Just so you can not use antibacterial drugs. Before curing sinusitis in a child with an antibiotic, you need to make sure that the problem is caused by bacteria. The main indications for the use of these potent drugs are the following:

To combat the genyantritis, as a rule, appoint:

Treatment of sinusitis in children with folk remedies

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses treatment and non-traditional methods suggests, only preliminary treatment should be agreed with the attending physician. Good for sinusitis helps massage of the nose with the addition of cedar or pine oil. A simple and effective remedy is green tea. It should be brewed in a traditional way, cooled and used for instillation of the nose - three drops three times a day.

Sinusitis in the child - consequences

Children face them more often than adults. Bilateral sinusitis in a child can develop into ear inflammation, bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, frontalitis, etmoiditis. In addition, in some cases, there are clinical complications such as: