Dry skin of the body

Dry skin of the body becomes a particularly big problem in the winter. Those women who have a naturally dry type of skin, can complain during cold periods that all the skin of the body is prone to peeling, wrinkling and has an unattractive appearance.

However, the aesthetic cause is not the only one that should be addressed as soon as possible. The fact is that the moisturized dry skin is prone to wrinkles, and if the dryness of the skin has already become the norm, then in a few years you can expect a loss of elasticity, flabbiness and wrinkles.

To deal with the treatment of dry skin of the body, you need to understand the true causes that caused it.

Causes of dry skin of the body

The answer to the question, why there is dry skin on the body, comes from the evaluation of several factors:

  1. Genetic component - if the mother or grandmother had normal skin, then under certain conditions it can become dry without the influence of external factors, this will cause dry skin.
  2. Hygienic component - if you do not follow the rules of hygiene and do not use scrubs and a stiff washcloth , this can also lead to dry skin.
  3. The chemical component - the use of skin care products containing aggressive chemical components, can lead to a violation of fat balance in the skin.

Genetic factor

So, very dry skin of the body first of all occurs in those who, for genetic reasons, are the owner of normal (and in winter dry) skin.

The fact is that the activity of the sebaceous glands differs in different times of the year in intensity. Since in the cold season the body does not need cooling (which is carried out in hot season with the help of sweat and sebaceous glands), accordingly, the work of the sebaceous glands is not so active.

This causes dry skin, if all other items are not accompanied by violations. In addition, everyone knows that moisturizing the skin in winter should occur at least half an hour before a person leaves the street, because otherwise the moisturized skin can become worn and damaged. Thus, a decrease in the activity of sebaceous glands in winter and dry skin is a natural protective reaction of the body.

Hygienic factor

If the skin is not cleaned in time, then on its surface a congestion of dead cells forms, which are felt like dry skin, as they are not elastic and lost their functions. Therefore, if you ignore the periodic scrubbing, it can lead to dry skin of the body and to itch, accompanied by active peeling.

Chemical factor

Unfortunately, a wide range of cosmetics represents not only a certain attractiveness, but also a problem - many manufacturers, hoping that their tool will attract attention with bright packaging and competent advertising, rather than quality, leads to the fact that put on production shower gels consist of cheap, harmful and aggressive chemicals. Consumption from this does not decrease due to the regular renewal of packaging, odor and color of the gel, because thanks to the advertising of the buyer again and again convince that this gel is many times better than the previous, although its composition did not change in contrast to the appearance.

The use of such a shower gel leads to the fact that it can not be used without a body cream, because 10 minutes after its use, when moisture evaporates, tightness and dry skin are felt.

When using more expensive means for the shower, a similar reaction of the skin is usually not observed, because the composition includes moisturizers and vitamins.

Treatment of dry skin of the body

Measures to restore the water-fat balance in the skin can be local:

  1. Cream for dry skin of the body - body cream can be any, but stop better either on the one that comes in one series with the shower gel used, or based on natural ingredients; the latter include the cream of Natura Siberica.
  2. Baths for dry skin of the body - baths based on glycerin are able to restore dry skin; to make a glycerin bath, it is enough to use half a glass of liquid medical glycerin.

What if the local remedies did not help the dry skin of the body?

If neither the bath nor the skin cream has improved the situation, then it is worth to drink a course of vitamins E and A.