Encephalopathy in children

The term encephalopathy means the effect on the brain cells of any pathological substances or hypoxia, as a result of which a violation of its functions occurs. This diagnosis is most often exhibited to people of senile and old age, but, unfortunately, occurs in children. Encephalopathy in children has a very diverse symptomatology and is due to various causes. Next, we will consider the causes, clinical manifestations and possible consequences of encephalopathy in a child.

Causes of encephalopathy in a baby

The main reasons for the development of encephalopathy in an infant may include intrauterine infections, birth injuries (vacuum and obstetrical forceps), cephalomatomas, the administration of a large number of drugs or toxic substances (pathological jaundice of a newborn) in the early postpartum period, hypoxia in labor (premature detachment of a normally located placenta and fetal distress in childbirth), as well as an anomaly of the structure of the blood vessels in the brain that disrupts its blood supply.

Residual encephalopathy in children

Under residual encephalopathy, it is customary to understand residual phenomena that manifest themselves in the distant period after the defeat of the nervous tissue. The most common symptoms of residual encephalopathy are:

In severe forms of damage to the central nervous system, residual encephalopathy can manifest itself as paralysis, paresis, small tremor as a type of parkinsonism. Such encephalopathy in adolescence can manifest itself as mental retardation, speech and movement coordination, hearing and vision impairment, migraine attacks and convulsions.

Diagnosis and treatment of encephalopathy

Diagnosis of encephalopathy does not cause difficulties in the period of newborns and is carried out by neonatologists of the maternity hospital. To make the correct diagnosis, you need to examine the mother's exchange card, collect her anamnesis and ask the obstetrician-gynecologist about the features of the course of labor.

Encephalopathy, caused by pathological jaundice, is treated with special ultraviolet lamps, and if necessary, a dropper is prescribed. In severe cases of damage to the central nervous system, the baby can be transferred to a specialized intensive care unit for newborns.

Residual encephalopathy, as a rule, is a consequence of acute damage to the central nervous system. Her diagnosis is more difficult. So, it is necessary to carefully investigate the anamnesis of the child's life, the peculiarities of the pregnancy and maternity. A very important place in the correct diagnosis is occupied by such additional methods of investigation as electroencephalography, nuclear magnetic resonance, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

In the treatment of residual encephalopathy, vascular drugs, multivitamins, anti-inflammatory drugs and anticonvulsants take an important place.

Thus, any encephalopathy in children is a consequence of organic brain damage, which in some cases reminds of itself even after many years. In order to avoid such a defeat, it is necessary to register for pregnancy, to undergo all necessary examinations and to adhere to the correct regime of the day.