Laryngotracheitis in children - treatment

Acute laryngotracheitis or stenosing laryngotracheitis in children is usually a consequence of an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, or a direct manifestation of these diseases. This disease is also called a false croup, because its symptoms resemble the true croup that occurs with diphtheria. The difference is that the false cereal develops suddenly, usually in the evening, and more often at night. Also for laryngotracheitis, the seasonality of the disease is characteristic, mainly in the cold season. Mostly children from six months of age get sick. For 2-3 years the peak of the disease occurs, children of 8-10 years are less likely to get sick. There are four degrees of severity of the disease.

Causes of laryngotracheitis in children

The cause of laryngotracheitis in young children is a feature of the structure of the larynx. Fabrics lining the larynx have a loose structure, prone to swelling. The very voice gap in a child is much narrower than in an adult. And therefore, with acute viral disease, when mucus is actively produced in large quantities, it is easy to begin swelling of the larynx and upper respiratory tract. This in turn leads to a sharp decrease in the lumen of the glottis, down to total asphyxia.

Symptoms of laryngotracheitis in children can be:

At the first signs of the disease, which are any changes in the voice, parents should be on their guard. Especially if the child has already had such an attack. Because acute laryngotracheitis in children tends to recur periodically.

Also, laryngotracheitis in children, especially up to seven years, may be allergic. It is difficult to recognize it without medical help. Parents tend to consider the cause of an infection or hypothermia of the child, not suspecting that this may be an allergy.

Allergic laryngotracheitis in children can occur both against the background of a cold, and to arise from scratch when it seems that the child is absolutely healthy. Symptoms for allergic stenosis are the same as in normal. That's only if the child of the first years of life such episodes are repeated more often than one or two times a year, it is worth considering - and not allergies to all blame.

How to treat laringotraheitis in children?

Do not self-medicate! It is necessary to call a doctor, and at night - the ambulance.

Most likely, they will offer you to go to the hospital, especially if the child is very small. Do not give up, because the child's condition can deteriorate at any time and any delay is very dangerous, which is fraught with irreversible consequences. And in the hospital he will be able to provide assistance immediately, up to resuscitation with forced ventilation.

Both in allergic and in stenosing laryngotracheitis in children, treatment is carried out with the appointment of hormonal therapy, the use of antispasmodics, antibiotics, warm alkaline drinking and inhalation.

In order to alleviate the condition of a sick kid, it is necessary to create the right conditions. The air in the room should be damp and cool. A complete voice rest is required - the baby should not even whisper, it's annoying voice device. For this child constantly needs to be distracted by quiet games, reading.

If the attack begins, the child should be carried, for example, to the bathroom, turn on the hot water and let as much steam as possible. You can also carefully hold it over a saucepan of boiling water, where to add baking soda. It is also recommended to press down on the root of the tongue with a spoon and induce vomiting to relax the muscles, then give a warm alkaline drink.

The main thing with the onset of an attack is to calm the child, so as not to aggravate the situation. Calm of parents and self-confidence plays an important role.