Temperature and diarrhea in a child

Children, alas, get sick often enough, since they do not always follow the rules of personal hygiene, as if parents zealously did not follow it. And also children simply do not have fear of disease, because they still do not know what it is, so the children themselves will never have a desire to constantly wash their hands or something else like that. In addition, the children's immune system is not yet fully formed, so that the child's body is much more difficult to resist various diseases than the adult's body.

Here, for example, often a child has a fever and diarrhea. With diarrhea , as such, everyone knows how to cope, but when the temperature increases, the situation becomes much more serious. So let's figure out why a fever and diarrhea in a child may appear.

Diarrhea and temperature in the child

So, the child has a temperature of about 39 and diarrhea. Diarrhea itself can not be alarmed, since this, in principle, can be called a perfectly normal reaction to certain foods. For example, a child may have diarrhea after melon or watermelon, as these fruits very well cleanse the body. But when the temperature increases, it's necessary to pay attention to this matter. Even if you notice a temperature of 37 degrees in a child with diarrhea, this can already be a disturbing bell, although it is by no means a fact that the temperature will creep up. So what symptoms can the temperature and diarrhea serve as symptoms? Let's figure it out.

  1. "Childhood diseases". If a rash or red spots are added to the temperature and diarrhea of ​​the child, this may be symptoms of some of the so-called "childhood" diseases. For example, rubella, measles or scarlet fever. If you only have suspicions for any of the listed diseases, do not hesitate, but call the doctor, because even though these diseases children often get sick, the specialist's help and his exact appointments are needed.
  2. Poisoning . The cause of fever, diarrhea or even vomiting in a child can be poisoning. Try to remember what your child ate to make sure that this is exactly poisoning. The temperature in this case is best knocked off with paracetamol, and to help the stomach is perfect for activated charcoal.
  3. Viral infection . If the temperature and diarrhea of ​​the child is attached and cough, it can be just such an organism reaction to the flu. But if there is also vomiting, then this may be a sign of an intestinal infection. In the first case, treatment can be done at home, and in the second case you will need to call a doctor.

In general, the causes of diarrhea and high fever in a child can be divided into two groups: infectious and non-infectious. If the cause is not contagious, then with diarrhea and fever, you will be able to cope at home and without the help of a doctor, but in case of an infectious cause it is advisable to immediately consult a specialist to help the child on time and professionally. After all, as is known, in some cases, self-medication does not lead to good.

Alas, children get sick often enough. Of course, some children have more immunity, but still, every child, to the sorrow of parents, is prone to illness and can not avoid them in any way - one can only provide correct help in time. So if your child complains of weakness, then do not leave his complaint without attention, since general weakness can be the first symptom of the disease. And the weakness of the child can eventually result in temperature and diarrhea. So it's better to take care of the baby's health right away to avoid problems and complications.