Means for herpes

Manifestations of the herpes virus affect people who are prone to frequent infections with acute respiratory infections. Herpes penetrates into nerve cells, and therefore rashes can occur anywhere where there are nerve endings. Unfortunately, once hitting the body, the virus remains there forever. Therefore, the best prevention of the disease is not to let it penetrate into the body.

How is the herpes virus transmitted?

To maximally protect yourself from getting the virus into the body, you need to know how it is transmitted. The herpes virus can be easily "hooked" through:

It becomes clear why so many people suffer from this disease. Still, you should try to avoid possible sources of the virus as much as possible:

  1. Do not kiss people with obvious bubbles on your lips;
  2. Use an individual towel, handkerchief, sleep only on your pillow.
  3. If nearby there is a person infected with herpes, use a separate dish whenever possible, or with special thoroughness wash it.

If you are still infected with the herpes virus, then in addition to following the above measures to prevent the infection of other people, especially your loved ones, adhere to such rules:

  1. More often and thoroughly wash your hands with soap, preferably liquid.
  2. Do not touch the bubbles with your hands, as the infection falls on your hands.
  3. Do not touch the eyes, as the virus can easily penetrate the mucous membranes and cause eye disease.

The best remedies for herpes

Modern medicine, unfortunately, does not have a drug that would help completely get rid of the herpes virus. However, there are quite a few drugs that significantly relieve the condition, while having an affordable price for a wide range of patients.

The most used to treat herpes for today are ointments:

Of the drugs produced in the form of tablets that can successfully fight the disease, the most effective means of the herpes virus can be noted:

The last remedy is considered the most effective against herpes, as this is the drug of the latest generation.

The choice of a drug depends on the type of virus and the features of the course of the disease in each patient.

Means for herpes at home

A variety of essential oils help with the herpes virus:

Also very effective are: