Back training for girls

Many, thinking through the training program, forget about the back, but in fact the muscles in this area also need to work. First, they are important for the formation of a beautiful posture. Secondly, to achieve a beautiful figure without a trained back is impossible. Third, strong back muscles are important for the development of other parts of the body.

Back training for girls

The program should be made up of exercises that you can do. In addition, it is recommended to constantly make changes in training, because the muscles can get used to the load, and therefore, there will be no result. Each exercise should be done in 2-3 sets of 12-15 times.

Exercises for back training:

  1. Hyperextension . Perform the exercise is on a special bench, fixing under the roller foot. Arrange so that the emphasis is on the upper part of the thigh, and cross arms on the chest. Task: breathing in, lean forward until you can keep your back perfectly flat. Exhaling, return to the starting position. Do everything slowly so as not to get injured.
  2. Planck . In back training at home, it's worthwhile to include this exercise, because it's not complicated, but it gives a good result. IP - place your arms under your shoulders, and place your feet a short distance apart. The body should form a straight line, shoulders should not be raised to the ears. Keep the bar for at least half a minute. To complicate the exercise, you can raise your leg or stretch one arm in front of you.
  3. Thrust rod in slope . To train the back muscles in the home and the room is suitable for this exercise. Not all houses have a bar, so you can use dumbbells. IP: take the bar so that the palms are facing down, and your legs bend slightly in the knees. The task is to exhale, pull up the bar, bending your arms in the elbows, which should be closely pressed to the body. At the maximum point, hold for a second and return to the inspiration in the initial position.
  4. Superman . In back training at home, you can also include this effective exercise, for which you need to lie on your stomach. Inhaling, simultaneously raise your legs and arms and fix the position for a couple of seconds. Exhaling, lower the body down. There is this exercise and another option - raise your arm and the opposite leg, and then, change. In this case, the movements will be similar to those made by a person during the voyage.