Osteoporosis - symptoms and treatment

Doctors do not exclude the fact that in a few years the epidemic of osteoporosis will begin. This is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Knowing the symptoms of osteoporosis, and treating it can begin at an early stage. Timely intervention will be simpler and take much less time.

Osteoporosis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

With osteoporosis, the density of bone tissue sharply decreases. Because of this, the bone becomes fragile, and, accordingly, the risk of its fracture increases. Throughout life, bone tissue is constantly renewed - the old is gradually being destroyed, replaced by a new, stronger one. Osteoporosis is manifested when there is an imbalance in the replacement processes.

The disease does not act selectively. It hits all the bones at once. As shown by many years of medical experience, in women the symptoms of osteoporosis of the feet, the spine are more frequent, and they need more serious treatment. The reasons for these problems can be very diverse. Most often the disease causes hormonal failures and metabolic disorders.

But there are other factors contributing to the development of osteoporosis:

The main symptoms, identifying which, you need to start treatment and buy drugs for osteoporosis, look like this:

The longer the disease progresses, the more painful the patient feels. But sometimes it happens that the patient learns about his diagnosis quite by accident after several fractures. And before that he does not have to notice any symptoms.

Treatment and prevention of osteoporosis symptoms are as follows:

  1. Even if you do not have suspicions of osteoporosis, you can not stop bad habits.
  2. Try to spend more time hiking in the fresh air. This will prevent the decrease in bone density and contribute to the development of the skeleton.
  3. And for treatment, and for preventive purposes, you should take vitamin D. Most of all it is in fish oil.
  4. Effectively strengthen the bisphosphonates and drugs, containing calcium.

Treatment of osteoporosis symptoms by folk remedies

Rely exclusively on treatment by popular methods is not worth it. But they can support the body completely.

Very effective compresses with comfrey, or as it is also called, a fisheye.

Strengthen the bones mixture of six eggs and juice of ten lemons. And you need to take eggs with the shell:

  1. Allow the agent to brew. Ready it is considered, when the egg shell completely dissolves.
  2. Add 300 grams of honey to the medicine and not more than 150 g of cognac.
  3. Take a teaspoon after each meal.

Very useful in osteoporosis mummy. For one small, the size of a match head, the ball should be taken twice a day before meals. The optimal treatment course is twenty days.