Treatment of VSD - drugs

Taking medications is not the main method of treatment of the VSD. Almost always in the treatment of this disease, emphasis is placed on psychotherapy and a healthy lifestyle. But in some cases it is impossible to restore the functioning of the nervous vegetative system without medications.

Means for normalizing the work of the autonomic nervous system

If the patient needs medical treatment of the VSD, the drugs should be selected, based on the symptoms manifested in the patient. Those with impaired brain stem or hypothalamus function, and often have nervous excitement, should take an infusion of valerian or motherwort. With a strong emotional tension and a sense of fear, the doctor can prescribe tranquilizers:

They significantly reduce the patient's reaction to various external stimuli, but long-term use of such drugs for the treatment of hypertension is prohibited. This is due to the fact that such drugs severely depress the nervous system. In patients with depressive conditions, the use of antidepressants is indicated. Their form and dose can be correctly chosen only by a doctor, based on the course of depression.

With VSD, you must take nootropic drugs ( Nootropil or Pyracetam ). They are helping:

Those who have cerebral blood flow are also assigned cerebroangiocorrectors, for example, Vinpocetine or Cinnarizine. They have a positive effect on the functional state of the hypothalamus and the limbic zone of the brain.

Normalization of activity of the sympathoadrenal system

For the treatment of HPA by hypotonic type, one should use Anaprilin or other drugs related to the group of beta-blockers . Their application is always shown when:

Doses of drugs are selected individually, because they depend not only on the level of blood pressure, but also the pulse rate and individual tolerability.

Take this group of drugs for the treatment of VSD by mixed or hypertonic type is not possible with: