Collection of herbs for weight loss - recipes

Herbs are one of the most natural slimming products, because if a plant does not grow in ecologically neglected regions and is not poisonous, one can safely say that for someone and with some symptoms it is useful. It is important not to overdo it with carelessness and not to think of yourself as a connoisseur of phytotherapy. If you decide to use the herbs for fast weight loss, remember that you need to use only climatically familiar plants to you, this will save you from allergies and unforeseen reactions.

We are sorting out the classification

Depending on how the herbs contribute to weight loss, they are divided into several categories:

All these groups of herbs can be alternated, however, to avoid side effects and mutually overwhelming effect, do not mix different types of herbs in one recipe for weight loss. We recommend changing them weekly:

And so on.


You can buy a ready-made set of herbs for weight loss in a pharmacy, or create your own unique collection yourself. It all depends on how much you understand the general medical concepts. We offer you a few simple recipes from herbs for weight loss:

Broth № 1

Mix 50 grams of anise fruit and licorice root naked, and 100 g cystoseira bearded. From this collection we take 2 tablespoons. and pour 400 ml of boiling water. We insist a decoction of 30 minutes, we drink the result obtained during the day in three approaches.

Broth № 2

We take the root of the dandelion, the fruits of parsley, fennel, peppermint by 15 grams, add 40 g of buckthorn bark, mix everything and pour 2 tablespoons. 400 ml of boiling water. We insist 30 minutes, drink the whole broth at one time in the morning on an empty stomach.

The course of treatment for herbs is one month. Then you can continue after a break of several weeks.