Symptoms of bronchitis without fever in an adult

All are accustomed to believe that the first symptom of colds and infectious diseases is always a rise in temperature. We hasten to surprise you: this is not so. Recently, experts are increasingly faced with signs of bronchitis in adults, flowing without temperature. This phenomenon can be explained both by individual features of the organism and by the form of the disease.

Can there be bronchitis without temperature?

Colds and infectious diseases are always bad. It so happened that most people share all the ailments for simple ARD and ARVI , more complicated bronchitis and very severe pneumonia. Many people do not even think about the fact that each disease can have certain forms and types.

The most common acute form of the disease is always accompanied by a sharp deterioration in the state of health and a violation of the body's thermal state. But there are other varieties of bronchitis, the symptoms of which may well manifest themselves without temperature:

  1. The infectious form of the disease is characterized by dry wheezing and coughing, a feeling of discomfort in the chest and hard breathing. In some patients, the temperature rises against the background of the ailment, but it does not happen often.
  2. Bronchiolitis or obstructive bronchitis at an easy stage without ceremony can manifest itself only by coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and shortness of breath.
  3. There is such a thing as allergic bronchitis. It develops by contact with feathers and down, birds, animal hair, inhalation of pollen or household chemicals. The disease develops wavy - after eliminating the allergen cough, shortness of breath and shortness of breath disappear. And the temperature of the body does not go up by a tenth.
  4. Without temperature, an adult passes chemical bronchitis. It develops by inhalation of toxic substances. Characteristic features: headache, severe cough, pain in the retina, irritation of the mucosa.