Often during weight loss along the way, there are various obstacles, because of which many break down. To avoid this it is necessary, to learn how to overcome them.
It is difficult enough to abandon the usual diet , so eating restrictions are often accompanied by a feeling of hunger.
In this case, there are two main reasons:
- You have greatly reduced the daily menu, for example, decided to use a mono-diet or the like. But this is not correct, since not only will the body not receive all the necessary minerals and vitamins, the process of losing weight will take a long time. Since the rate of metabolic processes and the burning of excess fats will decrease significantly, it will be slow.
- Quite often, hunger can be confused with the desire to eat something forbidden, such as a cake.
What to do?
Calculate for yourself the required number of calories. You can use this proportion: for 1 kg of body weight, it is necessary per hour 1 kcal. That is, if you weigh 70 kg, then you need 1x24x70 = 1680 kcal per day. If you want to lose weight, you do not need to cut the minimum number of calories, and start just to spend them faster. Doing sports is perfect for this.
Very often at the beginning of a diet, you can feel cold, as if the body temperature has dropped dramatically.
Possible reason:
It is proved that after a plentiful meal the temperature of the body increases by 1 ° C, and when you begin to limit yourself in food, and reduce the daily calorie content of food, the heat no longer stands out and, therefore, you feel cold.
What to do?
In this case, warm clothes, sports can help, you can limit one or several exercises, and, of course, a cup of hot tea or coffee.
At the beginning of weight loss, you are only attuned to a positive result, you have enough strength, but after a couple of days everything changes. You feel tired , irritable, do not want anything, and lose weight, among other things.
All the blame for the following reasons:
- For many people, food is so-called doping, which gives a good mood and strength. These products include chocolate and strong coffee. If you abandon them dramatically, the nervous system will lose stimulants, and you will feel tired.
- Another reason - irregular meals. During weight loss, some women may refuse breakfast or dinner, because they believe that extra pounds will go away faster. If the body does not receive food, which is necessary for energy, you will certainly feel tired.
What to do?
Try to rest more and sleep enough time. After a few days, the body will rebuild and you will feel much better. Learn to eat a little, better 5 times a day and then you will have plenty of energy.
During the diet, you gave up various temptations, do not go for a walk, visit and, as a result, life became very boring and monotonous. In this case, the reason is:
You think that at all meetings and parties will certainly be a treat, but if you can not eat anything, why go there.
What to do?
Learn to control your desires in cafes and restaurants you can order dietary dishes, and indeed, in meetings with friends, the main communication, not food. To make it easier for you, use the following tips:
- At the beginning of the evening, fill your plate with vegetables, fruits and other dietary products so that the hosts of the evening do not have the desire to put you something high-calorie.
- In the cafe find on the menu dishes that are steamed, baked in the oven or on the grill, view the composition and boldly order them.
Before going out, eat at home to be able to control your appetite.